Scientists: In fact, parents have pets


Scientists: In fact, parents have pets 38734_1

Sociologists explored 384 pairs of sister + sister, brother + brother or sister + brother, and found out: parents actually have pets, and they can be calculated.

If you were not the only child in the family, be sure, the love between you and other offspring was not equal to equally.

We have long suspected that in fact every parent has a pet, and now the scientists have confirmed. They conducted a study, according to the results of which the unambiguous conclusions were made. The study took into account any difference in the appeal of parents with children and a sense of self-importance among grew children.

It turned out that the sense of her own importance and the perception of parental love is directly affected by the seniority of the child. Senior (first) children mostly felt that they were the best attitude, while the younger seemed to be stricter with them.

Moreover, even their parents themselves recognized such a difference. Almost three quarters of the moms and 70% of the Pad agree with the statement that with one child they appeal better than with another.

As now live with such a discovery, sociologists did not report.

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