8 signs that you categorically do not have this product


Most safe products in our time and in our places, of course, no. Well, except for celery, personally grown by your grandmother in five hundred kilometers from the nearest asphalt. (And that! ..) However, in beautiful packages there is a completely hellish refive. Really dangerous to health and life. Therefore, it is worth learn - and well, it nafig at all.


In order not to go into complex chemistry, it is possible to determine the path of these chemical compounds as follows: from the heated liquid oil with hydrogen, solid is obtained (although in a small amount, such a bodian is formed and naturally). Well, at the same time, somewhat contributing to atherosclerosis, which killing the liver, causing obesity, predisposing to diabetes and also carcinogenic. Calculate. A special ambush is that although in many countries the permitted content of these fats is constantly reduced, and labeling has already been adopted, we have no one on the wrap of chocolates direct text will not write: "Sugar, Vanillin, Transjira." So you need to think. First, as from the plague to run from everything, which contains "hydrogenated fats" (the one described above the process, AAA). Secondly, use as many margarine, spreads, mayonnaise and finished sauces as possible. Well, in the fast food of this good - a whole bouquet.

Palm oil

Very cheap thing even where palm trees did not grow up. And product storage increases. Therefore, the manufacturer willingly prefer this to the Maslice with his "colleagues". And, of course, will convince that there is a lot of benefit. Yeah, and about the fact that the level of cholesterol in the blood jumps so that the mother does not burn, modestly default. Cardiovascular diseases themselves come, of course, of course. The children's body takes this gift of palm trees is not good, and it also prevents calcium to the absorption. (And in children's products, palm oil is also often contained, yes.) Plus it enhances the taste and causes something like dependence. Calculate. Sometimes it is honestly indicated, but more often modestly camouflated with the general formula "vegetable oils" (Yeah, this is super-useful, that its presence should be encrypted). There is still such a practical handicraft way to recognize this thing, let's say in chocolate: hold it in your hands. Do not rush to melt? So, palm oil is also valued for "refractory". Draw?

Sakharin (E-954)

Grandfather of all Sakharoznestems, the sweeter of their natural relative is about to half times. Promotes oncological and neurological diseases. For a long time, it was banned in many countries, then it began to gradually disintegrate. Well, how, it is enough for one tabletki. And we get a tumor, they say, only after an overdose (0.2 g) was counted permissible daily dose). The fact that this sweetness with a metallic taste is in any hurt kidney and causes an aggravation of the gall-stone disease, somehow did not dispute. In addition, it is definitely desperately not recommended for pregnancy and for baby food. Calculate. The inscriptions on the boxes with this sweetener says: "SUKRASIT", "Milford Zus", "Slavs", "Sweet Sugar", "Susley", "Sweet'n'Low", "Sprinkle Sweet". As for products, it is contained in children's drinks, ice cream, medicines, some toothpastes, confectionery products. Monitor the cherished numbers "954".

Aspartame (E-951)

A more modern artificial sugar substitute, in just two hundred times the sweeter of natural sugar. When heated, decomposes on methanol and phenylalanine. So if you call, causes consequences, as after poisoning with methyl alcohol (read "Valpurgiyev Night" Yerofeyev?). If they can be compressed regularly, can cause all kinds of troubles up to hepatic and renal failure - and more of such an indous perspective as epilepsy or Alzheimer's disease. Cases of food doses poisoning are recorded. As for diabetes mellitus, which allegedly tells us to use sugar substitutes, then aspartame worsens the course of this ailment. Calculate. Party Likements: "Susley", "Sukradayette", "Milford Aspartame", "Novasvit", "Blues", "Dulko", "whistle", "Slavlin". In products, usually aspartame is not used alone, but in the company with comrades: acesulfam, cyclamat and sharicin. In this case, this sweet company can be found in more than 6000 product items. Among the children's vitamins, medicines, dietary drinks ... and a bunch of restaurant dishes. It is worth tense from the formulation of "sweeteners".

Sodium glutamate (E-621)

A amplifier of taste is a thing that has no own taste. But thanks to her sausage, it becomes sausage, and the type meat becomes meat (even if it is the second freshness). Summarkers and chips - Well, just do not get angry. In fact, this is a permitted drug. And you thought because of what would be so unbearable, sometimes even a reasonable person pulls on "Oh, how much I want to right now any harmful nasty." And the kids and teenagers are sitting on such a crap very quickly. After her, porridge, a soup or vegetables - just a tasteless bzyak. In some articles, scary bouquet of sides, including headaches, hypertension, ulcers and other sores, up to dementia. But this is just a bulk. However, the fact that they are starting to regularly use together with their favorite things the chemistry bouquet in them is already enough for thought. Calculate. In addition to numbers 621, which call this substance with their own (albeit "encoded") name, it loves to use such blurry aliases: an amplifier (or an improvementibility) of taste, aromatic (or taste) additive, flavoring agent. Do not eat, spawn. It is without an amplifier of this - just paper. Really tasty in the fake "uncession" does not need.

Red Dye Red 2G (E-128)

Who will eat an unpacked sausage with an appetite, right? So remember that it is from offal and waste paper. And you paint the pink shade in a pleasant eye - so the sausage is fun. Outside. And inside you turn into toxic aniline. And together with this beauty you get a very stupid carcinogenic effect. That is, the danger to acquire cancer. Calculate. Once this dye was resolved in "sausages with grain and legumes of more than 6%" and "products from crushed meat with a content of grain, legumes and vegetables, more than 4%" (despite which products fall under this article - to understand It was impossible). Now it is also banned in Russia. Officially. But you understand everything, yes? So, that the most pleasant eye is represented in meat products of all normal consumers should not be happy, but to ack.

Sodium nitrite (E-250)

In general, this chemical to concrete is added to keep stronger. Well, to the products at the same time - as a color retainer and a preservative. Part-time is a poisonous toxic substance, including for mammals. There are safer preservatives, but they do not give such a pleasant kel. In case of poisoning, sodium nitrite is observed: the formation of the skin, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, impaired blood pressure, loss of consciousness. When heated (here, let's say, you roasted the sausage) is the formation of nitrosamines, and they cause oncological diseases. The relationship between frequent meat use with the content of nitrite and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is also fixed. Calculate. Using on the honesty of the manufacturer, looking for a differ 250; Trusting your own eye, we look at the same "natural" pink shade in fish and meat products. Most often occurs sodium nitrite in Bacon, Solonin, sausages, ham, cold meat and smoked fish.


Here we are taking over the stickers "without GMOs" - they say, they make them all in a row, almost on gadgets. But not everything is so fun. Means the abbreviation, recall, genetically modified organism. And here the most important question is at the moment - in the unknown. Cheap and lively - let's produce it more, and the degree of study is the question of the second, after us, though the grass does not grow ... or grow grass with teeth. More seriously, then the meeting of the transgen and the body will end, as well as the "adherence" of Transgene in the organisms of our descendants and in nature as a whole, science now, with all the desire, tell us just can not. However, the fact that the genes causing in vegetables and fruit is an active growth contribute to the growing of all kinds of neoplasms, it is already known. As with the fact that "improved" potatoes or soybeans cause violation of the activities of the domestic secretion glands, contribute to the emergence of problems with digestion and reproductive violations. Genetically modified plants "divide" with us insecticides and resistance to antibiotics and contribute to the development of allergies. And this is just what is clearly known ... Ahead, perhaps, quite a few surprises await us. Reveal. We encounter the stickers "without GMO", but proud (or even honest) "with GMO" somehow do not observe. You have to choose the exclusion method. And even remember that the most characteristic "mutants" is potato, soy, beets, pumpkin, corn, tomatoes. And they are so very flattened, bright, beautiful and identical. Well, just like a dummy. And even genetically modified organisms are often present in products, which include vegetable proteins based on soy, rapeseed, corn and potatoes.

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