In Pakistan and India, scorpions have become a new drug



In Pakistan and India, the spread of the addiction to a new drug type is observed. Locals and drug trains have fallen smoking scorpions. Especially appreciated, naturally containing poison tails.

In order for the drug addict to receive his buzz, the scorpion is dried, grinds and burned in the furnace, smokes through the tube or mixed with tobacco in the cigarette. "Arrival" can last up to several hours. Moreover, the first hours a man is pain and only then it replaces bliss. Pakistani drug addicts argue that the sensations and dependence on the scorpions are much stronger than from Gashish with heroin.


Meanwhile, Asian doctors are alarmed. Not all that is environmentally friendly, it is useful, you know. Smoke from dried scorpions, for example, destroys the brain without any "chemistry." The short-term and long-term memory is disturbed, sleep is frustrated, the appetite is lost. This is not counting many hours of hallucinations caused by a broken poison.

Unlike other types of drugs, the use of scorpions for scoring is not followed, so it's hard to say exactly what harm they apply to the local population. This is perhaps the most uncontrolled drug in the region at the moment.


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