6 reasons to spin novel with bartender


No matter how cool, and Barman was and remains one of the sexiest professions. Along with firefighters, for example, Barmen also have to work in the catch of Ugar and, too, from time to time, incentive bodies on the air. What is not heroism? Here you have a few additional reasons to look closely to the guys behind the counter.

They know how to listen

Because those who do not know how to fly out of the profession in a matter of months. Fishing after the third cocktail, the public begins to pour his sadness to the guy, and by the end of the shift, the bartendse vest is at least squeeze. From the ability to listen to the tips of the bartender, so that his sympathetic opinion he turns on the reflex and immediately after the phrase "Oh, well, and the day!"

They are well suspended

Because a successful bartender with the same ease can discuss how our yesterday was scored not to our, in which circle of hell should burn a politician name, why the "orange-hit of the season" blossomed and what men really want guys.

They are pretty

Any institution has two faces - bartender and toilet. The toilet must be disliked by Lemongrass or at least be clean. Bartender must be a handsome or at least damn charming.

Free drink

Yes, it is small and mercantile, but we can not not be noted: having received the key to the heart of the bartender, you get unlimited access to the contents of the bar. And if you never use it - you are holy.

They work at night

And this means that you can safely save your consecrated tradition to spend the evening with a cucumber mask on the face and Chinese food from the box. A week you will have at least 2-3 days free from the evening commitment.

They are clean

In any incomprehensible situation, rubbing glasses. Barman physically can not work in the pigsty, and the habit of instantly climb and remove it with him brought to automatism. Barman will never leave you on the table a dirty mug and a generous scratch of crumbs.

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