5 products that are very lacking on the shelves of ordinary supermarkets


All are comfortable supermarkets, it is necessary - I bought a sponge for dishes, it is necessary - milk with potatoes. But some simple things in them, for some reason, for some reason you will not find.

Well, in vain, by the way.


Means to remove the feline smell

Well, seriously, cats are in many families, the cat food is somehow sold, why can the remedy for cat smell can be found only in pet stores? Why not on a conventional shelf with cleaning agents, between liquid for car wash and gel for plumbing?

Flat Food Containers

Many women take with them to work food, and many children with them to school give a snack, because school canteens went very dull. Why is it so hard to find a flat container for food or a sandwicket, which would be easily climbed into the handbag and a wretcher? Flat containers for small things - there are, voluminous containers for food - there are, pencils every September is sold. It would seem, a simple plastic sandwicket perfectly continues this series!

Paper bags

In big cities, many do not mind packing fruits and vegetables for weight in container from the processed (and perhaps that has already been recycled) of the material in the glory of ecology. It is clear that a kilogram of potatoes do not spare, only a couple of pears. Well, for them it would be great to sell small paper bags. After all, they offer places along with conventional large polyethylene packages paper bags?

"Liquid skin"

The one whom the hostess thoroughly smear the blows on the socks of shoes and scratches on the sofas. For some reason, to find the cherished vial, you have to drive a half-city, and the people in the people is quite popular. Put next to the shoe cream, and beauty.


The same consumility as insoles, but the insoles in supermarkets are constantly found, and it is worth tearing a lace, and you have to figure out where the shopping is solemnly arrange.

Illustration: shutterstock

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