15 female chips who are incredibly annoyed by men


15 female chips who are incredibly annoyed by men 38711_1
By becoming an adult, everyone understands that there is no ideal in nature, and even more so the ideal people do not go on the ground. Women and men differ very much in their habits and psychology. Starting to build relationships, this fact must be taken into account and show some tolerance to the partner. From his own side, women can explore which habits are especially annoyed by men to show them less often and thereby get closer to the reference image of the ideal lady in the eyes of a strong floor.

1. Detailed stories about past relations

Male psychology is arranged in such a way that they are unbearable for them to compare themselves with someone, and even more so with itself like. To understand how unpleasant it is enough, it is enough to imagine your beloved in gentle arms with his former, and everything will become clear.

2. Being confident that in sex the main thing is just lie down in bed

Male likes when a woman manifests the initiative in bed - it turns them out. But the "starfish" in bed or, as elsewhere called, the "log" does not attract anyone. And whatever the charming woman was not, whatever the stunning figure she was - if in sex with her it will be bored, a man will accurately go to look for entertainment on the side.

3. Build plans for the joint future after the "first time"

Sex and love are different concepts, and even more so a joint future. Perfectly, if everything goes well and fantasies will be reality, but it happens not always. Therefore, you should not expect something more from the proximity to a male, so that then it was not painfully hurt from unfulfilled expectations. And with its conversations on the theme of a fast wedding, a man can be sage at all.

4. Specially cause jealousy in a man

From jealousy, no one is delighted, including women. This is not the most pleasant feeling that raises anger and anger. Trying jealousy to attract male attention, you can cause torment and aggression in it, and in some cases the beloved can just leave.

5. Order in the restaurant only salad

Follow the figure is right, because it is done not only for yourself, but also for your beloved, he is more pleasant to look at the beautiful and slender woman. But he invites to a restaurant to have a pleasant time to please believing with delicious dishes, especially since the restaurants do not go every day. And about what you sit on a diet - you should know only you, your girlfriends and a nutritionist, but not your man.

6. Envy to his personal space

It is difficult for a woman to understand that the things thrown into a single bunch can be an order, but men have their own opinions on this. And if it is still normal to disassemble his clothes on the shelves, then an attempt to clean up his hobby can turn into a real catastrophe. Therefore, as far as nightmare did not look his personal corner - it is better to notice there.

7. Sit the bathroom for hours

How not to try to explain, but men do not understand that the woman does in the bathroom for so long. Why gather at the exit, if you can do it in five minutes, how they do it. Well, probably, this is the only misunderstanding that will never be resolved between the floors.

8. Talk to Uneta

The brain of men is tuned to straightness - they need to talk about everything in the forehead, otherwise they will not understand. Moreover, they are annoyed when they do not understand what they want from them, and even worse when the woman is still offended. Remember, the men are the same people, they do not know how to read thoughts - if you want something - ask directly about it, it will largely facilitate communication.

9. The requirement of conversations by the hour

Women tend to talk in souls, complaining about the sore and cry in a vest, the men do not know how to do this and do not want - for them this is a manifestation of weakness. So they are brought up from childhood. And if I still want to bring a man to a mental conversation, let him speak out, then it is necessary to do it gently, gradually and delicately. First you need it to completely trust you and only then you can start following the next step.

10. Constantly all criticism

Constantly discuss with your man someone's actions, behavior, how "Mashka today was dressed completely tasteless" - not the best idea. First, much of what a woman says a man simply does not understand why this is so important, but, secondly, listen to it is unbearable. Men, in general, peculiar, more attention to pay for their lives, while others are not so important for them.

11. Hostile attitude to his friends

The man leads his life to the relationship with a woman, he will acquire his circle of communication, he has his friends who are tested by time and affair. Men's friendship is holy and no woman can affect her. Moreover, men tend to listen to the opinions of friends, including on the topic of their chosen. Therefore, if you initially get up in the contements with his friends, the relationship can quickly stop. Remember, you can never get up between the beloved and its "koreas" - it will end badly.

12. Led a man on shopping

Conduct time together it is fine, but not on shopping. Make purchases better with girlfriends who share the joy of acquisitions. For men, a shopping trip, especially in feminine, akin to strong stress, and not pleasure. They are much more pleasant to evaluate the final result and see their woman in sexual underwear and a new charming dress, and not see how the process of choice and shopping happened.

13. put on him with its rightness

How sometimes I crush the scroll into all: "Well, I told you!" But no matter how much it did not want this, no matter how it did not break out this exclamation, it is impossible to do this. It hits the male pride, and the man wants to be with the one for which he will be a knight, not a toy for self-affirmation. At the moments of my wrong, he wants to fall through the earth, he understands everything, so you do not need to finish it.

14. Requirement from the report

No matter how much together you are, a man, and you, too, should still be a personal space, there must be a sense of independence. For men, this is especially important. By the way, it is the loss of this independence and scares the strong floor in the perspective of marriage. Therefore, you should not expose your favorite excessive control, demanding a report for each step and arrange interrogations on how the day was held. But everything is there is a limit - if he said, he comes out in five minutes, and he himself disappeared for several hours, then you have the right to ask the explanation.

15. To be convinced that "all the men are the same"

Agree, women are also unpleasant to hear that "all women ...". Each person is individual, it is impossible to generalize only one sexual sign. This phrase is able to withdraw any, why do you need extra scandals and flight analysis?

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