What best in life: love or material wealth


What best in life: love or material wealth 38705_1

Nowadays, girls are increasingly looking into the wallet to their future chosen one, forgetting that there is love. What is more important in life: love or material wealth? Every question has their own answer.

Love is a mental state of a person. Now you will not meet such pairs, who are real, mutual love. The girls are increasingly married not for a person, but for his wealth, his bank accounts and a wallet. Men, in turn, to continue the kind. But in our time there are men who care about their status in society, thanks to the marriage on a materially secured woman. For such men, this kind of "love" contributes to self-realization and self-affirmation.

What is love? Each has its own definition of this word. Wikipedia gives us such a definition: "A feeling characteristic of man, deep attachment and aspiration towards another person or an object, a feeling of deep sympathy." For some love is the butterfly in the stomach, when you want to create a good, and in the mood there is a drop of intoxication when you flush from the overabundance of feelings. For others, this is a sense of attachment when you want to wake up with this person, fall asleep with him, do everything for him. And in the mountain and in joy to be with him, to be near, think about him constantly, to experience warm and tender feelings. For third parties: This is an inexplicable feeling, such that with your beloved you want to be nearby, forgive him everything, and every cell wants to be with this person, never let go, not to give anyone. And the distance is unbearable to worry, because you start to miss, as if there is no particle of you. Someone does not understand this feeling at all, someone has not experienced him and has no idea that it is, and some connect all the data above the characteristics, each person has their own spiritual world and a peculiar concept of love.

Russian philosopher Vladimir Sergeevich Solovyov allocated three kinds of love: 1) downward love, full return for the sake of the object of love and the minimum reciprocity. For example, the love of parents to their children, the protection of weak - strong, from the side of the senior guardianship over the younger; 2) ascending love, the minimum spends, but the maximum gets, for example, children love parents, children from parents get much more than themselves give them; 3) sexual love, as he gave, so much, full of life reciprocity, for example, the love between spouses, as a husband gave love, so he will receive it, how much he gave, so much and will receive, the quality of love that gave, such a back and will receive.

Erich Fromm allocated 2 forms of love: 1) Creative love is love, overcrowded to the object of sympathy, interest in it, mental state; 2) Destructive love is love that wants to deprive the freedom of the object of his love, dispose of not only them, but also his life. Why is she destructive? Because, she destroys everything, all attachment, in love, love, destroys man from the inside, and not only the beloved, but also in love.

But choosing love, do not forget about such phrases as: "You will not be fed with one love" and "love comes and goes away, but I always want to eat." But this does not mean that you just need to look for only material values ​​in life!

Money is just a material component of a person. Thanks to money, social status can be achieved in society. By conducting a social survey among his friends, the points of view were divided into two: 1. Some believe that a person with money may be unhappy, because a loved one can tell about his problems, go along with him, shoulder to shoulder, all difficulties. Having money, you can not have a nearby person.

2. Others, believe that there will be money, there will be love. But, unfortunately, often, in the rich, they do not fall in love, fall in love with only their money, and not in the person himself.

Agree, happy people are those who have love and money. But it is sometimes easy to achieve this, almost impossible. How to be rich and happy in love? The answer is simple, but it is not for everyone: to seek the material good with a loved one. But it does not always happen, someone gets tired, someone just goes to another, someone just bored and he goes to look for an option easier: a man with a thick wallet.

"With loved ones and paradise in a halate." Yes, but this saying is valid only until you have a romantic relationship, and when there is a serious stage in life, or even family, then the "shala" one-room will not be a paradise, because money is always needed and everywhere. In family life, most girls reproach their husbands in a lack of money. And it is indisputable, because really, you need not only to eat well, but also get dressed, keep an apartment, and if there are children, then the costs are becoming more and more. Will the world rule the money?

Everyone also has its own point of view. But it comes down for mostly it to the fact that money is a means for life, every person owner himself, his life. Money does not rule, they simply solve many questions. But love for money does not buy. In our world, people most likely do not live, they just work to make money. After all, it would be necessary to live in a legitimate marriage - you need money, give birth to a child without money, which means not to give him due, getting education, you need money. And so people live for them, these "papers" eclipsed the mind to many.

So, what is the main thing in life: love or still money? Someone believes that love, someone thinks that money, but there is also a point of view that love and money is important for a person, as mentioned above, love is a mental state, but not to live without money . Both should go in parallel, the girl should not "sit on the neck" from his man, should not ask for her legs to the head, anyway, what kind of money she should bring to the house. But every person has its own point of view, its values, it is impossible to make a person to change them, each brought peculiar.

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