"Or lose weight, or divorced" - What to do a woman?


A lot of problems arise in family life, because of which the spouses do not just quarrel, but even they are preparing to part. There are difficulties that cannot be calmly survived, forgive or accept them. Is it possible to accept the fact that the woman recovered during the marital life? Consider one of the common and paradoxical causes of the divorce - the gain of a woman in weight.

What is the man right?

When the problem occurs in the family - the possibility of divorce due to a set of excess weight to his wife, - many are on the side of the woman: "He doesn't love her, since he says it ... She is not to blame for the fact that he has recovered ... Over the years, everyone is losing former youth and beauty ... a man is wrong. " But let's figure it out, is it wrong with the man who is ready to divorce a fastened wife?

When spouses only met, most likely, the woman was beautiful, sexy, slim. She cared for himself, tried to always look attractive, sat on diet and even engaged in sports. But over the years it passed. The weight gain often happens after the birth of children, long-term family life, with age.

A man looks at his wife, and no longer sees the beauty, which fell in love. Is it possible to blame a man for having loved the slim and well-groomed young lady, and now in front of him sitting a lazy and dulping creature? A man could put up with the fact that over the years a woman does not make young people. It is impossible to influence this. However, it is still possible to influence your slightness and attractive forms.

Each case should be considered individually. There are young ladies that become so lazy, arrogant and irresponsible in marriage, which believe that they should love them in any form. If a man fell in love with a woman for her beauty, slimness and tightness, then he definitely fade away when she loses these forms. Should I blame him for it? Unlikely. He is not to blame that at first the woman wanted to match his ideals, and over the years she stopped trying at all.

What is the right to a woman?

Years do not adorn a person, especially a woman. Birth, the need to constantly educate children, home duties, labor weekdays and just age make a woman not so young and attractive as before. Naturally, the woman to grow old, gaining weight, becomes another, not as it was before. In some women, after pregnancy, hormonal failures occur when there are no time thin young ladies now turn into thick "pigs".

Are there any wines in this women? Not. And the man would have to understand that over the years the woman will not be young and remain attractive. Moreover, the hormonal background significantly affects the state of the forms of a woman. There are ladies who with the hormonal background everything is fine. And there are women who, after childbirth, can no longer become the same.

A woman is not to blame for the fact that years do not make her more beautiful. Especially since it is concerned with other affairs: the house, children, work, etc. Woman is once for two hours a day to sit at the mirror and count calories. Here you need to do the duties so that everyone's time.

What to do a woman if the husband threatens a divorce?

If the husband began to threaten the divorce to a woman who swallowed, should not judge it unequivocally. Of course, a man goes very rudely, speaking his wife that he was not going to put up with her extra kilograms. However, it should be understood that sometimes a man is not seriously said. • There are men who really do not like their wives, so they are ready to get away from them just because they spoke. • There are men who simply scare women to divorce so that they threw themselves in their hands and lose weight. • There are men who are forced to threaten with parting, since other methods and conversations did not give the desired effect.

What to do a woman if the husband threatens a divorce in the absence of weight loss from her?

1. It is necessary to understand the motives that the man moves. No need to pay attention to why he wants you to be slim. This is his desire for which he has the right. Better pay attention to whether he loves you or just picks up to your abundance to divorce. 2. If the husband loves you, then you should talk to him how to solve the problem. Explain your reasons because of which you spread (this did not happen just like this), for sure my husband helped with your completeness. Try together finding ways to lose weight. If the husband loves, then ask him for help and support. Tell me, what you need his love even at that time, while you lose weight. It will help you. 3. If the husband does not like, then understand that even when weighing weight, he will still remain unhappy with you. He wants to divorce with you. Why he will not tell about it directly, the question you need to ask him. While you will lose weight, he will continue to criticize. Even the lost way you will not arrange it. Should I try for such a man?

And last: we appeal to women themselves. If you are comfortable in that weight that does not satisfy your husband, then tell him about it. You are not going to lose weight, you are comfortable.

Either the husband takes you, or you divorce. You already start threatening him, referring to his dislike if he is divorced with you. Believe me, if the husband loves, he will be able to accept your weight if you really like to be like you.

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