How to praise a man


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To make a man in his woman Ideal, I did not lose feelings and was true to her - the lady should regularly praise his man and admire them. But it is necessary to praise the heavy floor correctly, without running a stick, otherwise it will look like it will be nigidly and unnaturally. So, several rules of how to praise your chosen one.

Do not seduce

It is wrong to think that some individual men are not located to the perception of praise. Even if they look unmatched, praise for them sometimes even more meaning than for women. And the reason that lies in childhood. When the baby appears on the light, he has no idea what love is and with time knows this feeling through his parents who give him different attitudes accompanying it throughout life. For example, women are much more likely formed by the concept: "They love me when gifts give me", but for men: "I love me when praised." Therefore, adult men equate praise to a warm feeling and a woman's love understands through it.

Without fanaticism

When they praise a man, you should not behave like a distraught beatles fan. To transmit your admiration for a man, only a few pleasant affectionate phrases, smiles, hugs and glances filled with love.

Roll out from the head of the stamps

Wanting to praise a man, it is better not to apply the cliché in speech like "good", "well done", etc. In this case, there are many chances that you will be associated with Him with his teacher, and this is not the best thing that can happen between you.

Correctly praise a man in society

Is it difficult to praise a man? At this question, psychologists cannot answer unequivocally, because Here everything is individually. Some men do not tolerate such a manifestation of feelings, while others, on the contrary, can be offended if the woman did not compliment at all when the situation was located. In any case, if you wanted to know your loved ones with pleasant words with other people, just emphasize your attention on its strengths, but it's not worth it to praise it - be natural.

Speak the truth and nothing but truth

At the time of Praise, each person wants to know about himself only the truth, it is much more pleasant than to listen to frank flattery. In no case do not praise a person because you need something from him. No matter how hard you try to hide your carland, it still felt, and the man especially. And if he feels a lie - it will cause him only a negative reaction.

Is there a suitable time for pouflast?

Praise is not a medical preparation to be issued dosed and at a certain time. Pleasant words to a man need to talk to the place or when it arose to imply his feelings to express him. With the help of praise, you can influence the man using a psychological reception - when he does something pleasant for you, tell him warm words - a positive reinforcement will inspire a man for even more exploits in your direction.

Small steps

To stimulate a man on constant self-improvement, mark and praise it even for the smallest achievements - everything starts with a small one. Never depreciate the actions of your man, and he will never devalue you.

On the needle

If you move to the praise, then there is a risk to put a man on the "needle". And then, if a woman even reduces the bar, the negative begins by the beloved side of the beloved. And if you stop praising it at all, the situation will exacerbate even stronger. To prevent such a thing, just praise your beloved for real things, and do not create reasons yourself.

Just stay in love

But the most important thing in praise is sincerity. A loved woman always praises a man from a pure heart, and he feels it. Therefore, just stay in love with your soul mate and do not forget to tell him what you loved him.

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