6 councils girlfriends, who should not be followed


6 councils girlfriends, who should not be followed 38702_1

Girlfriends provide support in a wide variety of life situations. We share the most intimate, share and joy, and sadness. But in communication with girlfriends it is worth exercising caution, because even from the best motives they can give harmful advice capable of pretty spoiling life.

"Just you need a man"

Do you share with your friends with your challenges, and that in response advises to establish a better life? It is difficult to name this advice, because the presence of a partner does not promise to establish all spheres of life. Moreover, with the advent of a man, some complexes can only exacerbate. And then, it is not necessary to do that, so though it is to throw in the very first relationship, turned up at hand, simply, not to stay in the old devices. It will still not help, and add problems.

"You have too big requests"

It is likely that such advice to the girlfriend really want to help the relationship with men are more productive. But if you approach it with a cold head, relationship with a person who has a cardinal attitude, inappropriate character and annoying habits, will not lead to anything good. Sooner or later, the "bubble" of discontent will burst, the relationship will cease and there will be an unpleasant feeling from in vain time spent.

"Beats, then loves"

A terrible misconception in which they naively believe. Belief in this principle destroyed many women's fate. Remember, violence has never been proof of love! And if someone gives such a advice, it is worth thinking, and whether it is worth it to trust in general.

"Be patient, because you need to save a family"

Especially often, such a Council has to hear women who have children. As an argument, it is: "The child should have a father." Yes, it must, but the one who really acts as a father, and not the one that is just listed in this rank. In addition, the divorce does not mean that the Father cannot communicate with the child. If the scandals constantly reign in the family, if the child is forced to regularly see the creamy mother - it is unlikely that it can be called happy childhood. Therefore, trying to sacrifice yourself and save the family, you can crush life not only yourself, but also to children.

"Just the child and the relationship will be put on"

If in the relationship of the problem, then the appearance of a child is with a high probability only aggravate them. In this case, the child risks to turn out to be another reason for the scandals, not to mention the fact that the child here is some coercion for marriage, which is not the key to a happy relationship. And even if the man decides to leave, then the child will never stop him.

"Throw it!"

It was so it turned out that with friends are much more often divided by failures and problems in relationships with loved ones, and positive moments do not need to be discussed and silent. For this reason, the girlfriends may have an incorrect impression on how actually everything is in your personal life. Therefore, the Council "Throw Him!" It is not necessary to perceive as a signal to action, and the decision of the parting should be taken only independently, carefully weighing everything "for" and "against".

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