10 points that prove: children are useful!

We sometimes write - they say, you, PICS, completely poorly, bold and children you do not have. Strongly do not agree! First, we have 7 children as a lot of 7 children, and, secondly, from children, in our deep conviction, one solid benefit. For example:

1. Children turn us into superheroes

Do not sleep for three days? Don't sleep for a week? Sleep standing? Yes Easy! Young parents discover the hidden reserves, which did not dream of Hollywood biorobot. And experienced young parents know how to dodge from the manna panes much more more than the elected Neo Reeves from the pulp of the Smith agent.

2. Children pump us intelligence

The absolute majority of parents are constrained even in line to the children's district therapist and do not say a neighbor: "I used to occupy, and you, the goat is drain, and did not stand closely." And those parents who are not restrained, fall into a special hell, where they sit in line for the children's district therapist all the remaining eternity.

3. Children - the best tools of retaliation

Did you tease at school? Did you throw a guy? Are you unfairly fired? Mortgage loan has become hot? Prevent the child, wait until it starts cutting a teeth, sit down on the plane and fly across the Atlantic. Otsti humanity, it is the first beginning!

4. Children make us learn

Do you think Cotangenes do not need and school years are spent on some kind of vague crap? And here is not. Kothannce is needed. So that you become ashamed - why you can't explain to the child a simple challenge. You grab tutorials and get at least a basic education again. Yes, we put the word "simple" and the word "Kothanns" in one paragraph. Because we have children, they would shove them.

5. Children make us decent people

Having dropped to the big finger of the legs of a huge crab for cutting meat, we say: "Oh, Tesz", and not what they would say, being childless.

6. Children teach us care

The pumped parent will never forget the dog walking down and knows in the face of all ticks in the parks in the neighborhood.

7. Children teach us to love loneliness

And silence. And our own parents who, of course, broke the whole life, but today they took the children for the weekend, giving us two days of silence and loneliness.

8. Children help us find friends

We are becoming members of the elite club, which is called "moms". The guomier Childfries are called us the sect of St. Hamovasik, but they are just unfortunate despicable women who do not know what happiness is. Yes, we discuss the color of the poop, envy silently.

9. Children - a completely indispensable device for socio-active parents

Children wash the dishes perfectly, make coffee, run behind potatoes and download the necessary driver to mom. And the grown kids save her husband and his wife, traveling for the city to friends, from the standard dispute "who drinks, and who is driving." The child receives a driver's license and takes a drunken mother with dad home, listening to the song, how they sing a song about riding horses.

10. Kids cool

Well, your own children. The rest, of course, are not very, but these are the problems of their ill-one and bodied parents.

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