How to play with meals: find out myself and teach a child


Food is creativity. Though at least Jamie Oliver ask. Moreover, eating cooked - the process is no less creative than dances with a tambourine at the stove. Children understand it. Therefore, they are trying to play with meals all the time. And we scream and prohibit, inequish souls. Why is it asked? You can play with food and need, but by the rules.

Moved beauty in a plate


Some parents love to build up the face of bears and cats in a plate, and then wondering why Dietyatko does not want it to eat it and revouraged. Well, you would not do, if you were forced to eat a mimic kitten?

You can also show your artistic inclinations and otherwise. Children, for example, love all sorts of nasty. Yes, what they love - adore. Some of them, for happiness, eat something terrible - because candy in the form of skeletons and sliced ​​fingers are in demand not only in Halloween. So the cookies in the form of beetles will go better than the same cookies, but in the form of hooks and bears.

Purge beauty together

Broccoli Kochkank is very similar to a small tree. And a carrot circle is in the sun. Templakka is an island, and noodles - stormy waves around. Sleep the whole tree is much more interesting than prosaic broccoli. Create picturesque canvas in a plate, and then eat created.

Role-playing games


Open the mouth, the airplane flies. The dispatcher warns - only flights on the coach-mouth route, Borchka-715, are allowed in this zone, how to hear, answer? Let the spoon be an excavator, and the slide of puree is a big bunch of land that needs to be removed as quickly as possible. Mission fantasy, look for an analogy, it is in the end, fun.

Forward and song

It is possible and under the songs-readers. Eniki-Benikov ate dumplings.

For high mountains

Standing bear with cakes.

- Hello, Misha friendly,

How much is the pate?

- Patties are not sold,

They themselves are put in the mouth.

Well, we do not teach you, in short. Anyone is more convenient and more fun to do in a given rhythm.

Magic transformations


Children like to mess around in the kitchen. This is later they will begin to whine that cooking is not a male business. Or that this cooking already took out, the dumplings are welded. But for now, for them, the transformation of a stalk bread and dried cheese in ruddy French croutons is real, damn, magic. And they can be attracted to the process. Let the sandwiches be smeared, lay patterns of vegetables on the surface of the salad and their name berries in a bowl with hated oatmeal.

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