Unusual dishes in the world. Do not read before dinner!


Times, when fua-gras, cheese with mold or tequila with a worm could surprise the gourmet, passed. Fans of exotic delicacies, get ready for more serious tests! And do not read this article before lunch or full stomach.

1. Haggis.

Let's not shock you immediately, start with a warm-up. Haggis is just a lamb rubber, cooked in the launch of the stomach. Poor, but resourceful Scots composed this national dish of meat production. Yes, it was not just composed, and also added a legend to him: they say, this Haggis is preparing from the mysterious beast - Wild Haggis. In Russian cuisine, by the way, there is a similar composition and the process of cooking a dish. Called "nanny". As in Russia is the case with wild nanny, science is unknown.

2. Casa Martz.

Cas Martz is a special Italian cheese, a national dish of Sardinia. It is necessary, covering his eyes. And not at all because of the live larvae of the cheese flies in it in it (they accelerate the product fermentation process). If flies simply kept peacefully! The fact is that the larvae can jump out of the dish right in the face of eating. Gourmets eat Cas Martz, without cleaning it from larvae. Alas, exotic flavoring sensations can be complemented by allergic reactions and even the intestinal infection.

3. Fish Yin Yang.

Fish Yin Yang, or Live or-Dead Fish, is a carp, grilled alive. Carp is frying in a special way so that on the plate he turned out to be cooked, but still breathing. This Asian dish is officially forbidden, but lovers can easily find him in Taiwan's snack bars and China.

4. Monkey brains.

Monkey's brains - the top of the culinary sadism, refined dessert from Hong Kong. In the very dish of the brain, little unusual. The main chip here is in the culture of eating. The fact is that the brain is traditionally eating straight from the head of another living monkey. The meal must be finished to the death of an animal, because the brain decomposes very quickly. Of course, another categorically illegal dish.

5. Bird nest soup.

One of the most expensive soups in the world kitchen is prepared from Salangan's nests, one of the types of strides. A kilogram of such nestings costs more than two thousand dollars, and the serving of the soup will pull onto a hundred. The nests themselves are nothing like a bird saliva, from which salanges build their homes.

6. Volatile mice soup.

On the islands of Palau in the Pacific Ocean, with the usual meat we are tugged. Local residents have mastered the preparation of volatile mice. Mice are boiled in coconut milk with ginger and other seasonings for several hours. You can even choose, male to sue or female.

7. Fugu fish.

The legendary dish of Japanese cuisine, an integral part of the culture and history of this country, and at the same time an attraction for extremals. The fugu contains a deadly dose of Tetrodotoxin. With thermal processing of fish, the concentration of poison may decrease to acceptable, and may not decrease! Therefore, in the past in Japan, the cook whose client was poisoned by Fugu, should also eat his dish or commit suicide.

8. Sursstroming.

Sutemming is a canned sauer herring. Sumy before the appearance of a sharp and very specific smell. That's how it was written about this dish in the XIX century: "lovers find it with the exquisite delicacy, but it will be served on a banquet only if the owner wishes to eat alone or, perhaps, will call guests without nose." Now Sursstromming, despite the smell, is considered a completely banquet dish and generally exquisite delicacy and national pride.

9. Hwe (or Ho).

The so-called a whole family of Korean dishes: raw meat or seafood with spicy additives. The most important from HVE for us is Sannakchi Hwe - a living octopus. Koreans prefer wasteless production and, in contrast to the monkey, the octopus is eaten by a living entirely. Small octicors are cut directly on the dish.

10. Kiwiwak.

We do not know what holidays are from Eskimos, but kiwi disease is a real festive dish. It is preparing in advance: about four hundred cubs are placed in the neck of the seal (small northern seabirds), they are released from the skin of the air, sealed it with lard and buried to the ground under the pitch (usually it is a heavy stone) for several months. Enzymes, decomposing bird carcasses, also recycle sealer. It turns out the mixture, to taste reminiscent of very sharp cheese. And you say, Dor Blue, Dor Blue!

11. Tongzidan.

Let's start with the fact that translated from the Chinese name of this dish means "Boy Egg". No, no, this is an ordinary chicken egg. Rather, a boiled chicken egg. Just do not know how to continue to tell. They boil these ordinary chicken eggs in the urine, assembled exclusively in boys who have not reached the age of puberty. After boiling fluid on the eggs, they have a shell that urine penetrated inside. When the shell cracks, Tongzidan is considered ready to use.

12. Black Ivori.

And for dessert Coffe, Yeah? Black Ivori, or "Black Test" - Arabiki grain varieties passed through the digestive path of elephants. That is, literally! Elephant eats the grain of coffee, digest them, and followed by the wife of an elephant drivers and collects, khm, a refined product. Black Ivori is considered the most expensive variety of coffee in the world - more than a thousand dollars per kilogram. And, by the way, 8 percent of sales of this coffee are sent by the Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation Foundation for Veterinary Help Elephants.

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