Psychological tests that should pass to everyone


Testing is not only entertainment and taking time. This is a very scientific examination method. It is clear that it does not give "diagnoses", but it is better to understand myself - helps.

What are you for a person?


Get acquainted with yourself is never late and always interesting. In addition, personality can sometimes change, and the owner does not even have time to fix it. The following tests are just aimed at a thorough study of themselves internal.

Test Eizenka on temperament

Hans Jürgen Aizenk is a British scientist. It's already funny to you, and he is the famous psychologist, the creator of a four-level hierarchical model of the human person. He became famous for his original theory and his questionnaires.

Portrait Test Sondi

We look at the faces and choose the most nice and least uncompatient. Methodology developed by Austrian psychologist Leopold Sondi in the thirties of the last century. The author of the concept of "fateabase" comes from the fact that you subconsciously choose something "related".

Method of Multifactor Research Personality R. Kettella

It is necessary to pass as much as 105 questions, but in the results there are really many factors. It will think over and work.

"I-structural" Ammon Test

Designed by the German school of psychoanalysis and psychiatry, adapted and resorted by the specialists of the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Bekhtereva. For those who are not worse than two hundred questions.

Test for the career guidance

American professor psychology John Holland (he is Holland) will tell you to what type you belong to and what activities are prone. Suitable not only for schoolchildren - many and in adulthood makes sense to think: "Do I have in place?"

Motivational test of Herzberg

Find out what motivates you to work according to the theory of Frederick Herzberg - and how satisfied with your work.

IQ and Co.


Such tests pass are scary - but in the end, if something with intelligence suddenly did not go so, it is possible to show the results to anyone. And secretly sitting on textbooks.

Izenka test for intelligence

Another questionnaire of the Great Aizenka. After breaking your head over the letters, numbers and phrases, you will receive an answer as well as your brain looks: approximately like most - or "above average." Well, or something else especially. In addition, there is no single standard for IQ tests, so choose those results that will like more.

Short qualifying test (test Cote V. Buzin and E. Vanderlinka)

The test was designed to measure intelligent abilities. Checks thinking (generalization, analysis, flexibility, inertia, switching), perception (speed, accuracy, distraction), attention (distribution, switching), speech (language use, literacy), imagination (spatial). Therefore, it includes tasks and tasks of different types, and the time of passage is limited.

Test equal

Designed by the English scientist John is equal to his Penrose Colleague in 1936. Officially called "progressive matrices is equal" - that is, the tasks here are ordered to increase the difficulties of solving them.

How is your health?


"Nervous", "worrying" or even "roof rides" is all not scientific definitions. We will deal with your cockroaches in all the rules.

On neuropsychic stability

The technique intended for the initial allocation of persons with signs of neuropsychiatric instability was developed in the Kirov Lwma. You must answer as honestly as possible without thinking that "answer wrong." Nobody sees!

Clinical Questionnaire to identify and evaluate neurotic states (K. K. Yakhin, D. M. Mendelevich)

68 questions - and the level of neurotic is obvious. The main thing is to remember that these results are not a reason to beat his head against the wall. Ask to go through his colleagues and relatives - and everyone will understand.

On predisposition to schizophrenia

The test was developed by specials of the Institute of Social Psychology in Tyumen, there are 20 issues in it. Of course, it does not "diagnose schizophrenia," but some common trends shows.

Tests "for depression"


Depression is the thing is difficult and insidious. It is not always possible to distinguish it from a bad mood. But, except for "I am sad", she has less explicit special signs. Check?

Bekka Depression scale

It should be noted one of the 21 groups of statements - and for 5-10 minutes to roughly understand how much you have a cloudless on the Beka scale.

Test depressed Zunga

Developed at the University of Duke Psychiatrist William Zung (in some translations - Tsung). 20 questions that are responsible for which "never", "sometimes", "often" or "constantly" can be navigated whether you need to contact a specialist.

Determination of the level of depression on Balashova

Variation of a 20-question test to determine the situational state of depression. Answer, remind, you need not thinking.

Goldberg Depression Test

In fact, all the questionnaires on this topic are very similar, but this one is in case you are so bad that even extra multiple answers to celebrate Lenza: there are questions of all 18!

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