5 types of passengers in the subway, which are infused



The subway is great urban transport, especially in those hours when all normal people still work or already sleep.

By the way, about people. Some manage to make unpleasant travel even in a semi-empty car. We counted five such types and tips.

Men who have gave little socks and deodorants on February 23

5 types of passengers in the subway, which are infused 38693_2

And they also cursed like Bastinda, so now stand under the shower for them is equivalent to death. For us, near them in the subway, it is also somehow close to suffocation.


5 types of passengers in the subway, which are infused 38693_3

The guys, about whom the people in the people say "Eggs". Less than two seats, they never stop. Do not be distributed, you will not go. Do not push, do not take pictures. In general, some reason to sit precisely pressing the hips to the neighbors as close as possible, probably there. But we do not understand.


5 types of passengers in the subway, which are infused 38693_4

Young people with volumetric backpacks, which loves to sharply turn around, knocking up people behind themselves. It can be understood when the decade of the boy is difficult to shoot and wear a quadman back, but what prevents healthy forehead to make a simple gesture of politeness, if he has already learned to his feet - it is unclear.


5 types of passengers in the subway, which are infused 38693_5

What is the point of yelling in the subway? The connection is unstable, the answers are not heard, and for the neighbors everything sounds as if Satan instilled in the lady and makes it makes it harmfully shouting the fragments of phrases. Unlike uniform train noise, screams annoy.


5 types of passengers in the subway, which are infused 38693_6

Khodor enters the door and immediately gets up, tightly blocking it. Particularly cunning walker gets half the door, he jars on the threshold next incoming, and all the backs in the back and interesting epithets get the stuck.

In the subway rode Lilith Mazikina

Illustration: shutterstock

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