Friday seals: white like ice cream


Friday seals: white like ice cream 38691_1

Again Friday and Cat again. This time - a unique boil-white creation, also not yet called, though, be our will, we would call it a seal.

The cat was found in the entrance of the dignity of the old women and immediately decided that it was too good for the street. He has a golden character: he obsessed, optimistic and not afraid of strangers. Perhaps the seal is excessively trusting, so we will give it only in good hands. Do you have good hands? Anyway, the cat is four months old, it is accustomed to the tray and too nice to live in the shelter. And yes, by the way. With kits - like with children. A better time to start a cat than right now, here is literally today - there will be no. If you begin to think about it, if you start to plan it seriously - to take or not take such responsibility - the cats will remain mimic pictures on the Internet. And the difference between alive, warm and playful cream and pictures on the Internet - Believe us for the word - huge! Take - here: +7916 787 5898 (Victoria)

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