Very strange things that happen to you in a dream


We all adore sleep (right now half of the editorial board PICS.RU. Peel peacefully above the keyboard). But sometimes sleep prevents surprises, moreover, more and more unpleasant, and even terrible.

In the head something exploded

Just started to fall asleep, and here right in the head - Shandar! Or still happens - bu-boom! And that and the ba-bah. Or dying at worst. The illusion of the fact that some nano-sapper blew up a dynamite checker directly in your ear is called - "exploding head syndrome." We can hear this roar falling asleep or waking up - in the latter case, there is a feeling that the pistol shot, which none of the home, naturally, did not hear you.

According to the study of the University of Washington, this garbage at least once happened with each fifth. In this case, no one really knows where this roar is taken from. The most intelligible hypothesis is due to the sudden movement of the fluid in the inner ear (there is always a liquid there, it is something like a carpentry level that helps us be aware of our position in space). Another version is a neuron scatter in the brain area responsible for processing sound signals. They jump out due to unevenly disconnecting the brain before going into sleep mode. It happens if you have worried about or hellishly tired, went over with a red or with the burdocks of a certain variety.

The house began on the chest

I woke up among the nights in the cold sweat, the body is like petrified, it is impossible to breathe, it seems to be sits on the chest. Quiet, it is sleepy paralysis. At least once it happened with each third, and about 5% of completely healthy people faced with this unpleasant phenomenon regularly. Syon paralysis is always manifested only with natural wakenings and most often - if you sleep on your back. In a dream, the brain turns off the muscles (which happens if it does not turn off - read below) and consciousness. These are two separate chubs and usually the brain pulls them almost synchronously. But not always. And if the consciousness already turned on, but no muscles, we can not move. Fortunately, it lasts it all long - usually 5-10 seconds. True, during this time, the sleepy consciousness has time to panic and donate all sorts of horror - from the visit of the vampire to the abduction by the aliens, depending on what we are more interesting. If you lie quietly and not forget to breathe, paralysis will pass faster.

Ultrasound torture

Falling asleep, some of us from time to time suddenly begin to feel that the body seems to be sucking into a gigantic funnel on a rabid velocity. The feeling of rapid fall or rotation is accompanied by a nasty and very loud screech or squeak.

Again, the unynchronous disconnection of the switches is guilty. The body is already sleeping, and the consciousness is not quite. Creepy squeal is a white noise that can be heard and revealed in full silence (however, if you awake, it is much quieter). And the feeling of falling is due to the complete relaxation of the muscles, which in the wakeful state of the brain decodes as a fall.


Sometimes you wake up from the fact that you shape your teeth - so famously that there are fears for enamel. No wonder, by the way, arise. Bruxism is so called this state of scientists - it may well lead to damage to the teeth. Surely you heard that Bruxism is a sign of the presence of worms. Of course, they are unpleasant creatures and harm the body that does not have a relationship to the squeak of teeth.

All responsibility lies on the stress and tension of the facial muscles. If in the afternoon you fight with hated work or unbearable relationships, literally tipping your teeth and playing with rivats, then night the muscles spasm will come out of control and the case will end with the Emality Square. Much less often, the bruxism causes epilepsy and dental problems like unsuccessful braces and seals set by some cruise conveyor.

Voices in the head

We hear them clearly, as in headphones. I did not have time to get on the pillow, how someone speaks right in the ear "sea spaghetti curvilinear" or "Vasya, a stakenik walks." Or some other similar nonsense. Believe that it is a hallucination, almost impossible - well, could you not construct such nonsense to your brain? Oh, you underestimate it. Such voices are precisely hallucinations. Fortunately, harmless (cases where voices recommend that you take a chainsaw and go to crush the electorate, and you do not take into account). Most often, the annoying trap becomes a consequence of overwork, insomnia or an unmeasant amount of coffee drank. Approximately 37% of people are 2-3 times a week at the time of falling asleep, talk, music or non-existent noise in reality.

Cheerful night

The next morning partner somehow strangely looks at you and assures that you dangle all night, twitching, laughed and even charged him from my feet. You do not remember such compromising actions at all. But the principle "I do not remember - it means there was no" here it does not work. What happens to you is called behavior disorder during the REM phase. The brain was supposed to turn off the body, but for some reason it did not. As a result, you really went through the whole quest of your sleep. If you dreamed that you jump on a trampoline, in reality you could, not waking up, jumping over the bed - and it's good that you do not appreciate the flights from the window.

The state in itself is potentially dangerous - you do not know what you are doing. In addition, it is one of the symptoms of Parkinson's disease, micropots and tumors of the brain barrel. Even at night, people suffering from chronic insomnia, alcoholics and those who take strong psychotropic drugs are often running around - all this is good breaking the normal scheme of sleep.

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