7 children from the "Game of Thrones", which were exactly in your class



Even in the fantastic series easily find a lot of familiar. Here, for example, you have already met all these children. In his class.

Joffrey Barateon

7 children from the

It is in the movie The main bully class - in its charming and ultimately tamed, there would be an understanding soul. In life, he is just a shit, with whom even the teacher fear to contact. Therefore, instead of protecting girls from him, they tell schoolgirls about women's pride. You will tear clothes, and you be higher. You roasted in the corner, and you are spout. Joffrey and glad. Little he loves so much on this light as a female pride. I would not have come up with.

Before the issue, if it survives, then miracle, because there is not only harassment and deliveries, but some cheap drinks beyond garages.

Sansa Stark

7 children from the

Eternal moderately quiet feature. In amateur events, when necessary, participates, houses and control writes diligently, and another girl is a girl, loves cosmetics, serials and come in new dresses. Therefore, everyone thinks that it is empty-oil fool. While suddenly the whole class on the excursion does not fall into the random sands on the belt and it does not turn out to be the only one who is thinking what to do.

Standing at Sanas to start growing, say, figure, and it becomes the object of the striking attention of Joffrey. First, quietly crying in the corners and tries to follow the advice of teachers. Then suddenly comes with a girlfriend from the music school, the same fashionable frying pan on studs, gentle creation with curls on shoulders. The fashionista is a truly asks: "This, or what?" And without preparation charges Joffrey in the board with a cam, so that it is later to the outside of the nose.

After that, the whole class also thinks up for some time to sign up for music school.

Bran Stark

7 children from the

Patzan, which is always at the hospital and at competitions with the Olympiads. In the class, no one sees him and sometimes learned with difficulty. Speaks low-touch phrases. Friends with an estate healthy, whom Joffrey tries not to touch, because it was already able to pour it out once. Only it is painful and saves the legs to him, and then he is smart.

Arya Stark

7 children from the

Annolete hooligan, not that it is very evil, but very harmful. He studies average, gods in the evenings. God knows with whom, in his pocket wears something crucible. Under the mood pushes teachers, from time to time, Joffrey advises to take away from the next victim, but it does not go to direct confrontation. If it is strongly necessary, I will bring it without a coder and back the nose back where Sansina girlfriend was invested. The most frequent phrase in her direction from teachers: "You're a girl!"

Once the phrase, apparently, worked and Arya brought his own baked cake to school. The most curious and voracious was then paid to the disorder of the stomach.

Tommen Barateon

7 children from the

Neither stupid, neither clever, and Nyasha-Barash, who loves to squeeze girls, especially from senior classes. They are squeezed, and he smiles his infant smile. His innocence wakes them on jokes on the edge of the foul and requests like bring to drink into the locker room. He listens to jokes, goes to the dressing room and smiles again with a infant smile. For a long time, the boys consider his aunty, and the girls too, and only heavily later finds out who he slept in the class first with a girl.

Shiren Barateon

7 children from the

Quiet, dear, kind, modestly dressed, and no one else is friends with her, because there was a moment when the class unanimously admitted her sorting. Maybe because of the eczema, maybe due to the fact that she accidentally referred to the panties and did not immediately notice, in general, the reason when I want to be found. Reads a lot. It seems a shiny and seemingly excellent, in fact, or a triege, or a good one. She tries to not pay attention to himself about attention, especially Joffrey. Sometimes it does not help.

Liana Mormont.

7 children from the

Another iron button appears in high schools - from somewhere I was translated, Izvit still more than Arya, and stuck in the books like Shiren. From the pot two tops. The boy does not look like a girl-girl - too, it seems to be always trying to be not in matters, but it is constantly it turns out that it knows everything and organize everyone. Amazes in place with a look. The first who ask teachers the question of which is pride to walk with mint some seven-grayscots and whether the school is not required to provide a normal learning process and rest in their walls of the student. Does not achieve anything, but no one can come to myself from amazing. And what, so it was possible?

Illustrations: HBO.

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