18 most lovely facts about the 6th "winter" countries of the world


While you complain to the climate in the city, where almost half of the year warmly, someone lives in a country where summer +20 is simply superteply, and most of the year have to go in heavy warm things.

But there is full of beautiful in life. We collected three cute facts about six countries considered the most "winter".



Finns occupy the first place in the world to eat coffee per person and the third - on the separation of alcohol, also on a person. In general, burning blood itself as they can.

Skates were invented in Finland, and it happened 5,000 years ago. They made them from the bones of animals.

And in Finland, the size of the fine for the violation of the traffic rules depends on the size of the income of the intruder. No one before the thread wanted! And the record for the magnitude of the fine - 170,000 euros. It was discharged for speeding by 40 km / h.


The sign "Dog" (@) in Sweden prefer to consider an elephant or his trunk.

Few, few people have influenced the internal politics in the twentieth century, as a children's writer Astrid Lindgren, the creator of flying Carlsson and Peppi Longs. Moreover, Lindgren itself has never been engaged in politics. It's just all very, very, very loved and respected.

Every winter in the north of the country is building a special ice hotel for those who want to be like a snow queen castle. There are not only walls, but all the furniture is ice.


Once the Norwegians won England, but he led it for some reason that, by the beginning of the twentieth century, almost all the Norwegians spoke only in English. The government had to take action to return the Norwegian to everyday life. So far, most residents of Norway are bilingual, and many television shows go in English with Norwegian subtitles.

Norwegians love to watch the Soviet musical fairy tale "Mom" - about the wolf and seven kids. But in Norwegian rental, it goes under the name "Horror from the Brothers Grimm."

In the south of the country, the temperature is almost always the temperature above zero. Thank you, Golf Stream!


Icelanders officially believe in elves and trolls. Not all, but many, and this faith is taken into account in different matters. For example, if the elves are against, then on that hill it is impossible to build anything.

The Icelander has a special website where you can track, to what the degree of kinship islandz is with any other Icelander. Even with Bjork! And all because the population is small and it would be sturder to challenge with a close cousin.

In Iceland there is no army, and the police have no weapons. But the police have an extremely cute instagram!


Officially, Greenland is considered to be the province of Denmark. Just very, very self.

In Greenland lives most of all sheep. Which, by the way, rather goats. The thing is that they did not have a special hunt, since the sheeps live at the edge of the island, the opposite of the one who inhabit the people, and between people and shessbans there were always huge ice mountains.

Since 90% of residents are Eskimos, there is a very unusual local cuisine. The first often eating "soup" from salty tea with fat and spices, and a favorite drink for dessert - "Cauffemik", the kind of sweet coffee with whipped cream, which necessarily added three different alcoholic beverages. It should be very warm.


It is not surprising that Canada is good in hockey. This game was invented there! And also, by the way, basketball and baseball glove.

Every tenth Canadian is confident that I saw UFO or even taken contact with him. In Canada, the world's first parking area of ​​flying plates was built. Very hospitable.

In Canada, most in the world of stores selling donuts, per person.

Illustration: shutterstock

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