How to allow yourself to fool: tips for women


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"Ponoshilovil and threw," "left, not saying goodbye," "Suddenly disappeared," "does not answer calls" - women seem to come back. How is the strong floor "entangle the head" weak, that those begin to believe in what does not exist?

Many women suffer because of unrequited love, not even understanding that they never loved men, because of which they shed tears, and bored. It's time to figure out the men fooling women that those fall in love with them without memory.

At first it should be understood that men from childhood are growing aggressive. When they have failures on the love front, they begin to experience aggression or offense to absolutely all women. Many men decide never to love anymore, but only the use of weak sex representatives to meet their needs. This is necessary to know that from the first minute dating to expect a trick from a man and not to believe his smile.

1. Hope

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The most dangerous that the woman can happen, is the appearance of hope that the man loves her and wants to be with her. How does it appear? Everything is simple enough: a man promises a woman what she wants to hear from him. He can admit to love, promise a bright future, even build joint plans. As soon as a woman begins to believe in what a man did not and did not realize, she immediately falls into his trap.

2. Love

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When a woman begins to feel feelings for a man, she turns into a fool, which is ready for all for her beloved. Many "strong this world" use it. They see that the partners turned off the critical mind and obey their emotions. Now you can manage such women so that they do everything that men want from them.

3. Trust

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Undoubtedly, without trust, do not build a strong relationship. However, it should be guided by the rule: check and see what a person really does. You don't need to trust men, otherwise they will only use it. It should also be stopped thinking that it is bad for someone to follow someone to check, adjust the situation where a man manifests himself. A person does not need to trust, he needs to know. And this is possible only after a large number of time through the observation of it in specific situations. While the woman trusts, it remains blind.

4. Sex

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"If he is good in bed, then we will always be together with him," the woman knows how to combine incompatible. The fact that the man turned out to be a good lover, does not yet mean that he also does not try in bed with another woman. Many ladies continue the relationship only because of sex, not even realizing that partners can change them, working out their sexual skills.

5. Money

The one who possesses money has also power. Men see how women bow to rich cavaliers. Being rich in the eyes of a woman is not as difficult: cooled it in a cafe, rode by car, buy her dress. A woman thinks he got on the "golden custody", although in fact a man spends his accumulated money, which will soon end. Often, such camavers will soon sit on their ladies, demanding high earnings from them. It turns out, already a woman should provide all money.

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The most ideal option of how to fool a woman is to listen to seminars, where they tell what she should want, as is obliged to behave and what to pay attention to to understand that the man is interested in it. An intelligent cavalier should only demonstrate all postures and gestures, say "the right" phrases so that the woman thinks that she loves her. Now she's on his hook! Each woman has a weak place. Either she does not think when he falls in love, either believes sweet promises, or trusts or is under money.

Men quickly feel weak places to put pressure on them and manage women.

And when they borne it, they suddenly disappear somewhere, despite the fact that they could confess to love and build joint plans for the future.

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