4 The most terrible horror stories of our childhood. Dress, as for the first time!


Remember, we told each other in the camps about the red hand and black curtains? And necessarily there was such a master to tell, who had a familiar story acquired the outlines of a long and exciting thriller no worse than King.

We remembered four such stories. Do not read them in the dark!

Black curtains


The granny died at one girl. I died when, I was called to my mother Mamu and said:

- What do you want with my room do, but do not hang black curtains there.

Hang the white curtains in the room, and now the girl live there. And everything was fine.

But one day she went with bad guys to burn tires. Tires decided to burn in the cemetery, right on one old grave failed. They began to argue who would set fire, pulled lots of matches, and fell back to the girl. So she set fire to the tire, and from there how smoke will go and right into her eyes. Painfully! She shouted, the guys were frightened for her and dragged in the hospital. And she sees nothing.

In the hospital she was told that she was not burned with her eyes, and regime was prescribed - sit at home with her eyes closed and so that the room was always dark prestable. And not to go to school. And no fire can not see until he recovers!

Then mom began to look for dark curtains in the girl. I was looking sought, but there are no dark, only white, yellow, green bright. And black. There is nothing to do, she bought black curtains and hanged the girl into the room.

That's the day the mother hung them and went to work. And the girl sat down his homework to write at the table. Sits and feels like something touches her elbow. She shook, looked, and nothing but the curtains, there is no elbow. And so several times.

The next day she feels that something she touches her shoulders. Jumps out, but there is nothing around, only the curtains are hollowing.

On the third day, she immediately moved the chair to the far end of the table. Sits, the lessons write, and something she touches her neck! The girl jumped up and ran into the kitchen, and did not come to the room.

Mom came, the lessons were not written, she began to scold a girl. And the girl began to cry and ask mom not to leave her in that room.

Mom says:

- It is impossible to be such a panty! Look, I'll see all night at your table, while you sleep so that you know that there is nothing terrible.

In the morning the girl wakes up, his mother is calling, and Mom is silent. The girl began to cry out loudly from fear, the neighbors came running, and his mother sits on the table. Took her to the morgue.

Then the girl went to the kitchen, took matches, returned to the bedroom and set fire to black curtains. They burned down, but her eyes led from it.



One girl died dad, and Mom was very poor, did not work and did not know how to sell an apartment. They left in the old grandmother's house in the village, the grandmother has been died for two years, and no one lived there. But it was decent there, because a neighbor was closed there for money. And the girl with her mother began to live there. The girl was far to go to school, and she was given such a certificate that she was studying at home, and only all sorts of exams and control goes to the end of the quarter to go to school in the district center, so that they were sitting at home all day with mom, only sometimes went to the store, Also in the district center. And my mother was pregnant, and she had a belly.

Long-long grew, and rose twice as much as the usual, so long the child was not born. Then my mother went like in the store, in winter, and there was no one for almost a week, the girl was fully gone: it's scary to her house one, in the windows of black, electricity with interruptions, drifts on the very windows marked. The food ended, but her neighbor fed. And hereinafter, in the evening, or at night, the mother's voice took a girl on the door. The girl opened, and mom entered. She was all pale, with blue circles around the eyes, thin and tired. She gave birth to a child and kept him in her arms, wrapped in some kind of silent skin, maybe even a dog. The girl closed the door as soon as possible, the baby put the baby on the table, began to string mom - she was very frozen, there was all ice. In the iron stove, the girl spread the fire, in the evenings, they laughed in the evenings, and sat her mother in an old armor, and then went to see the child.

It turned slowly, and there is such a child that it is immediately clear that this is not a newborn and not even a baby. There is another girl, three years old or four, the face is small and evil, and there is no handles or legs.

- Oh, mom, who is it? - asked the girl, and Mom says:

- All babies first ugly. When the sister is growing, everything will be fine. Give it to me.

He took a child in his arms and began to breastfeed. And the girl's chest sucks, no matter what happened, and the first girl looks slyly and viciously.

And the name was Nastya and Olya, Olya is that without hands and without legs.

And Olya this is already perfectly running and jumped, that is, very quickly crawled, on his stomach. And he jumped on it, and she did it, like the caterpillar, to put themselves with the top and teeth, for example, to grab something and pull. No save from her was. She tumbled everything, gnawed, spoiled, and Mom ordered Nastya for her to clean, because Nastya is the eldest and also because Mom now was bad all the time, she was sick and even slept strange, with open eyes, as if simply lay in fainting. She cooked now Nastya herself, and drose separately from Mom, because Mom had some kind of diet for nursing. Life has become completely disgusting. If Nastya did not eat and did not remove Olya, then his mother sent her or for firewood, or to do lessons, and the Nastya all day and the whole evening decided and solved the tasks and wrote the exercises, and still taught all physics to retell everything, not Dogged down on any word. Mom almost did nothing, everything fed Olya or rested between feeding, because a nursing woman is tired very much, and everything was in Nastya, and Olya washed, too, and Olya wriggled and laughed disgusting, it was still pleasure to wash it from poop. But Nastya suffered everything for mom.


So there was a month or two, and the winter became only colder, and everything around in the snowdrifts, and the light bulbs, which were blissing right without a chandeller, was blissing all the time and were very dull.

How suddenly Nastya began to notice that someone at night approaches her and her face breathes. She first thought that this was mom, as before, looks, whether she sleeps well and crawled the blanket, and then looked through the eyelashes, and this Olya stands standing at the bed and looks at her, and so smiles that just .

Here Olya noticed that Nastya looks, and said in good voice:

- Who asked you to watch when you do not need? Now I will bite your fingers from you. On the finger overnight. And then there is a hand. And so my hands will grow up.

And she immediately bit off the Misinchik in his hand, and there was blood from there. Nastya lay like in a stupor, but he hurts himself and scattered! And my mother still sleeps, and Olya laughs and jumps.

"Okay," Nastya said. - I can't do anything with you anyway.

And lay as if to sleep. And even fell asleep.

And in the morning, Olya rushed again, and Mom ordered her Nastya wash it. It is good that still the firewood was in the house, because until the lunite was already because of the snowdrifts, do not reach the well, too, Nastya for the bath of water scored straight from the snow, the bucket snow was covered and heated on the stove. The wound from the hatching finger was bad, but Nastya did not say anything. He took Olya and began to bathe her in a children's bath, which they found in the attic, even when they moved. Olya, as always, wriggles and giggles, and Nastya began to coat it. The Olya died here, he was afraid, it was all his hands on the Nastya, but she was still drowned her nastya, and she stopped breathing, and then Nastya put her on the table and saw that Mom was looking at the stove and noticed. And then Nastya lost consciousness, because a lot of blood has row from bites.

During the night, the house brought snow so that the neighbor was frightened and caused rescuers. Those came and dug off the house, and found inside the girl in fainting, with handicraft hands, a dead woman mummified and wooden doll without pens and legs.

In Nastya, then in the orphanage gave for deaf-and-dumb. She was actually a mute, he told his hands with his mother.

The girl who played on the piano


One girl with her mother and dad drove into a new apartment, very beautiful, greasy, with a hall, kitchen, bathroom, two bedrooms, and in the hall stood a German piano from the cherry tree. Do you know what a polished cherry tree looks like? It is dark red and glitters like blood.

The piano was very necessary, because the girl went to learn to play a piano into the house of culture. And on a new apartment something strange with the girl happened. She began to play at night on this piano, although she did not really love very much. Quilly played, but heard.

At first, her parents did not scold her, thought it was playing and stopped, but the girl did not stop everything.

They enter the hall, she stands near the piano, on the piano notes, and looks at the parents. They scold her, she is silent.

They began to close the piano on the key.

But the girl is incomprehensible as every night still opened the piano and played on it.

They began to shame her, punish, and she still plays the piano at night.

Began to lock her bedroom. And it is unknown as outwardly chosen and play again.

Then she was told that she would be given to the boarding school. She cried-crying, she was told, give a honest pioneer word that you won't play any more, and she was silent again. Gave to the boarding school.

And the next day, her mother and dad strangled someone at night.

They began to search who could strangle them, asked the girl, does not know something. And then she told. He did not play red piano. Every night she was walked flying white hands and ordered to turn the notes while they play a piano. And she did not speak anyone, because he was afraid and because no one would not believe anyway.

Then the investigator says:

- I believe you.

Because in this apartment there used to live a pianist. He was arrested for the fact that he wanted to poison the government. When they were arrested, he began to ask, so as not to be hit by hand, because his hands needed to play on the piano. Then one nkvdnik said that he would do so that his arms in the NKVD did not touch, took a shovel by the janitor and cut off both hands. And from this pianist died.

And this NKVTSHACHNIK was a girl dad.

Wrong girl


In the class of one girl named Katya, a new teacher appeared. He had evil eyes, but all he was very praised, because he spoke to a kind voice and because if his student did not listen to him, then the teacher invited him to drink tea, and after the tea student became the most obedient child in the world and spoke only when asked. And already all the disciples in the girl in the class became obedient, only the girl itself was still ordinary.

Somehow the girl Mom sent to attribute to the teacher home some purchases that he asked to do. The girl came, the teacher put it on her drinking tea in the kitchen and said:

"Sity here quietly and in the basement do not go."

And he took the purchase and left with them in the attic.

The girl drank tea, and the teacher does not go. She began to wander around the rooms, look at the walls of photography and paintings. She passed above the staircase in the basement, and she had fallen a ring from her finger, which gave her grandmother. The girl decided to cute and sit in the kitchen quickly behind the ring, but it did not happen.

She descended into the basement, looks around, and with a circle with blood with blood. In some intestine lie, in other liver, in third brains, in the fourths - eyes. And looks, the eyes of them are human! She was frightened and how to shout!

Here the teacher with a big knife entered the basement. Looked and said:

- You're bad, unsuitable, wrong Katya.

Grabbing Katina Spit and cut off.

- From these hair, I will make the hair of good, the right kate. And now I need your skin. Eyes I put the glass inserting the glass, which your mother bought for me, and the skin is needed real.

And the knife is again eating.

Katya began to run along the basement, and the teacher stands at the stairs and laughs:

- From this basement there is no other way out, run-run, until you fall, then you will be easier to shoot your skin.

Then the girl calmed down and decided to smear. Went straight to him. It goes and all shakes, but what if nothing happens. And he will kill her and decompose it in the basins, and an obedient doll will go home instead of her.

And the teacher everything laughs and the knife shows.

Then the girl suddenly threw a bead from her neck, who also gave a grandmother, and how to throw a teacher in the face! Straight into the eyes and mouth! The teacher reacted, his eyes flooded with blood and see nothing. I tried to rush on the girl, and the beads fell to the floor, they slipped, he slipped on them and fell. And the girl jumped his head on both legs on both legs, and he lost consciousness. And she then got out of the basement and ran into the police.

The teachers later shot. He in another city, where she used to work, a whole school on the walking dolls replaced.

Hungry doll


One girl with her mother and dad drove into another apartment. And in the room that is children, it turned out to be nailed to the wall by the nails of the doll. Dad tried to pull the nails, but could not. Left so.

Here is a girl to sleep, and suddenly the pupa mechanics heads his head, opens his eyes, looks at the girl and speaks terrible voice:

- Let me eat red!

The girl was frightened, and a doll by bass again and again says.

Then the girl went to the kitchen, caught her finger, scored a spoonful of blood, came and poured a doll in her mouth. And the doll calmed down.

The next night again all the same. And the next one. So the girl is a week for his blood on a spoonful doll and began to lose weight and pale.

And on the seventh day, the blood drank drank and speaks by his terrible voice:

- Listen, abnormal, and your jams are at all at all?

Stories told Lilith Mazikina

Illustrations: shutterstock

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