14 signs of a happy family


As you know from the classics, the horses eat hay and oats, and all happy families are similar to each other. Well, not that it is directly formula and axiom, but they really have something in common. If most of these items about you, it undoubtedly means that your marriage is OK!

1. You are friends

Listing who are your friends, you will remember your "half" in the first five. You have what to discuss and what to do, except home and educational affairs.

2. You are able to negotiate

Of course, have never quarreled over the entire road couple exist only in sentimental novels ... and there really do not exist. However, conflicting, you try to solve the problem, and not to grope corn and hit the partner more. "Sorry, I got excited" ("I'm sorry, I was wrong") - for you a completely normal phrase, which is not required to poison any gangster inventory.

3. Brown you miss

For some time to diverge - absolutely normal. "I'm already five minutes without you, and so bad, nothing pleases and the light is Nemil" - it's about a candy-bought period or a neurotic dependence. The definition is more suitable for your relationship: "With you better."

4. "I" - not yet "we"

You respect friend friendly personnel. If a person needs to be melected alone or to make it in his creative mess, and it does not hurt your vital plans here and now - then only on health!

5. There is no kindergarten

In the sense that you do not try to consciously re-educate, deliver and grind. It is clear that there are always some things that I would like to change, adjust somehow. But this is a dialogue, not a dressura.

6. Historically, it has developed

Your house has its own rules. Not so tough to "step to the right, step left - shooting." But you do not gnaw infinitely because of the time to wash the dishes today, because even at the dawn of relations they came up with: you are plates, I - Pots, and if you are sick - I will save you and take a saucepan fire on yourself.

7. Attention

When you come in disheveled feelings or with a great victory, you have no feeling that you are somewhere among Martian green, which are floating in some kind of completely separate parallel reality. Because you are attentive to each other.

8. Mobile Contact

This item is not only about sex. Daily small tenderness and hugs do not cause one of you a desire to fight off, escape and shut down in the bathroom.

9. Do not sell sex!

In the sense, in your bed, it is not used as a tool and means to achieve something, for promotion. Well, on the contrary, his absence is to punish. You make love because you both like this process, and not because one of you today was Painka - and now can take a pie from the shelves.

10. You do not greading

Under the motto of complete merger of the shower, you do not take friends from friends, or hobbies, or life values ​​... or all this immediately. It is clear that sometimes you have to sacrifice football with Genko, sometimes for the borscht knitting, and the slippery question "Bitles or Rollings" is better not to affect once again. But to pull out a piece of life of the neighbor with the root - and you do not need it, and your partner is not required.

11. Bilateral dialogue

No matter how much your family budget looks like, one of you does not risk lose the right to vote in the decision-making process.

12. Shared piggy bank

Not that that is a cube. You have joint memories, and they make you happy and warm. The piggy bank of common joys and experiences are replenished - and sometimes you love to dive into it and wink each other: "Do you remember?"

13. All your cracks

You don't need to ask how many sugar spoons put a close creature in tea or where it touched their rights. Well, of course, they are in the box for umbrellas, I see this person for the first time!

14. His "Folklore"

You have our own brand words - affectionate names, lovely rally, one of you understandable jokes ... If you suddenly need, you will probably even send a message to each other with a secret code!

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