Instagram of the day: Gaming sketches Actress Irina Gorbacheva


We subscribed to this instagram a few days ago. And (let's go) alone enjoyed incredibly cool video. But now the forces ended to keep. Brilliant! Brilliant! This is an actress of an actress Irina Gorbacheva, pupil by the workshop of Peter Fomenko.

She plays the theater and in his free time makes short videos that publishes in instagram. I must say that she has talent.

Irina Gorbacheva multiple images. This, for example, a foreigner who came to Russia, studies our culture and shows it from the side. We are already accustomed to our country. And I do not notice anything. And she - notes.

Видео опубликовано @irina_gorbacheva

Видео опубликовано @irina_gorbacheva

A foreigner girl has a sister Elsa, a girl with character.

And here she is.

Видео опубликовано @irina_gorbacheva

And the actress recently stole an iPhone. She approached the search for the enemy. With the help of your characters. We do not know what their name is. Do not ask.

Видео опубликовано @irina_gorbacheva

And all the rest we will not show you, see the actress itself in instagram. Finally, we will give only two advice.

Tip №1

Tip №2.

Видео опубликовано @irina_gorbacheva

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