Man as a progress engine. 10 achievements of men's laziness



We are not at all evil man-made guards. We are at all white and fluffy menu women's cats. Now we will prove that everything cool happens on the planet thanks to men. Namely, their ability to develop violent activities in the field of notion!

However, it's just stupid to inform: "Laziness - the engine of progress" is just a lazy way, the choice of the most appropriate, obvious and not straightening to the uptool. This is not a female way! Female way - to get to the very essence, thoroughly talk about it and put forward ten completely indisputable arguments! ;)

1. Why is a woman home-hostess? The man develops it! Here are some golden words at the classic: "It is impossible to say that women are better able to do homemade chores: cleaning and cooking. Just men are the best in avoiding them. " What classic? Do not say, google. But the formula is simply from the category "there is nothing to cover." So, thanks to the sloth in slippers, a woman acquires a million good skills, like: to separate the grinding frying pan with the crocodile at the same time, while preparing a crocodile in her delicate sauce, while the third masterfully showing the daughter of the cartoon "Favorite, I will give you a star." No, no one hints at a more target use of a frying pan.


2. The man saves our funds substantially. Especially for repairs. How many in one country in our country was saved by an inacpired male reluctance to cross the wallpaper and change the windows - if you count yes mentally add all these astronomical numbers ... I united all this unrealized world, you could fly on Mars to these tools. However, from gratitude, you can run there those thanks to whom all these unpretentious wealth have been preserved. However, you can save on the item "Back". We are very trained.

3. A man hits furniture clothing. And it diversifies the interior design. The main thing is not to perceive socks and ties, T-shirts and turtlenecks as something barno-domestic. Look at them with an artist's eye. This is at least drapery. Evaluate at least this is a fresh colorful stain of blue cowpers on a white door handle. Or this bold texture of a sweater on the flooring. In general, see wider: you have a constantly replacing installation, solid SOVOGIS, at each angle, is waiting for an art facility. In the kitchen, by the way, also waits for ... Art Obiak. Quality to see and watch.


4. A man leaves food in a saucepan. Here is a little, the droplet, barely covers the bottom. Or lonely nurtures in the corner. And all this abundance is solemnly watered in the middle of the refrigerator. Where did you see the unwashed dishes? This is the food, product, food, resource! That it is in the world that a man improves in this way, so immediately, with the fly and you can not say. Own figure? So it seems no, imperceptibly. The quality of the dishes are also not particularly improving ... Oh! Microorganisms. That's who can be grateful to the human man for the opportunities provided. About the cats, like, every stake can - they are cute. And here, try to take care of those who are not visible to the armed eye! That's something. And microorganisms are also needed for the harmony of nature and in general evolution. Maybe someone will have a progressive progressive. For example, men with abilities for washing saucepan.

5. A man does not endure trash. Mmm ... So, about microorganisms already, unchitudo. "Wife, well, come up with something, you are so smart! .." Oh! Invented! The trash is an excellent means of self-defense. Evil robbers are breaking to you - and you both bombard them with unbearable packages with cleansing herring - it is necessary to industrial in such an unsafe way. So, a man protects us without applying any effort - except for efforts to not hear a gentle request: "Bucket-Oh!"


6. The man helps to reduce the number of accidents. Because for the sake of him you have to wear red. At least on dating so that he allocate you with a look from all the others. Because if you wear a beige or turquoise - he will not even really really be able to describe you in a statement to the police if you suddenly lose. Somehow lazy to distinguish them, these are with turquoise. Well, and in these scarlet sails you will see from the foreclosure. Drivers are slowed down. It seems that you think that you are for a date.

7. The man expands our knowledge of entropy. So you clearly imagined what entropy is? Is it good enough of the dissipation and the second beginning of thermodynamics? But every knowledge is better absorbed by empiric and practice. Which means: watch the behavior of a cute week - and you can not only defend the subject about the rapids of entropy, but also to create a novel-epic about her, and a ballet libretto at the same time.


8. And the man develops the liquor-vodka industry with his fear of psychologists. And so compare the cost of the course of psychotherapy and the cost of zero-five non-pressed antidepressant! And the liquor-vodka industry is not enemy cheeses with textiles. And no charlatans with couches. It is native, close, deeply traditional. Therapy, you must admit, not without sides. Well, there is still an option-Light there is a tanker. Someone also does them, they also do not want to stay without work.

9. By the way about earnings. A man gives an excellent opportunity to earn an occupation that can be engaged in infinitely. Namely, writing volumes and conducting trainings on the topic "1001 way to defeat the men's laziness." Or mini-manuals like "how to make a husband to remove the apartment." And nothing that all cherished ways, in fact, go down to the existential problem "How to teach the horse to fly." In that thing, that a fundamentally unreserved task can be explored infinite!


10. Lazy man inspires a woman. For everything, but mostly in search. For example, to search for a new man, search for a cat, search yourself. And all this she is looking for usually after planted the forty thousands of pink bushes, reached perfection and is able to do everything at all - from the frying crocodile before the construction of a two-story house ...

And here, she, one free from the pan, writing a dissert about entropy, and the other manual about male laziness, suddenly comprehends Zen in his entire depth and width. What is the cotton of one palm? Yes, here he, in fact, sitting on your sofa! And ears mechanics. And it's just impossible to do anything with it. What can you do with the cotton of one palm? Only meditate on it. It is desirable from the height of any Himalayan vertex. At the time of the comprehension of this truth, the woman sharply moves to the next Level Development.

Thus, our study convincingly proves that a man is an evolutionary mechanism that contributes to the achievement of complete enlightenment. And who got insufficiently lazy - well, sorry: probably, karma still has to work out!

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