6 unexpected ways to use mobfins molds


Where did this figigin come from you, unknown. Maybe aunt presented, and maybe Spyan himself ordered on the Internet, because her color is so funny. In any case, you are not in the lads with the Muffins. But mobility for muffins can be used otherwise.

Shaped ice

The room will pass if the mold is silicone. Pour into the deepening water and write there mint leaves, berries, fruits, some edible colors are all for beauty. Such ice looks very cool in a decanter with a hard cocktail at a party.

Templaci without trouble

They can not fry them. Bake is even better - and more useful, and dirt is less. Stunt meblers, roll them in breadcrumbs and morning in the mobility for the muffins, and then yelling at 200,000 minutes for 20-25 minutes. With Falafel, also works.

Olelets to Go.

Bembling a mixture for omlet, add, which the soul will ask - spinach, ham, tomatoes, broccoli - and pour it into recesses. Bakes like meatballs. Excellent idea if you have seven on the bench, and there is no time to figabach every morning. And also such an omelet is convenient to take with me to work in Lanchbox.

Portion broth

This is generally ingenious. So so: cook broth or, for example, cream soup. Cool, spill in the molds and throw in the freezer. All, you have a strategic supply of soup. At the right moment, you get so many soup cubes as you need, and heal in the microwave. With the soup in which the onions and other vegetables floats, it is better not to turn it - after defrosting, they softened and lose their freight look.

Granola in molds

Take any recipe forms, mix the ingredients and spread them according to the molds. Bakes at 180s 10-15 minutes.

Chocolate mini fondue

A piece for bonton parties: Fill a couple of deepends with hot chocolate, and in the rest artistically sprinkled sliced ​​fruits and cookies, sliced ​​biscuits and marshmallows.

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