Lishe in fitting room, pubic lice in the bath: 8 of the most stupid myths about diseases


Everyone is sick: someone's cold once in a five-year plan, and someone does not allow doctors with constant complaints. The latter, by the way, often tell horror stories about everyone, even the most innocuous sores. We collected the most ridiculous of them.


Tuberculosis - Diseases of homeless and drug addicts

Another 50 years ago, the outbreaks of tuberculosis were mainly in prisons: due to poor ventilated premises and a large cluster of people, the wand flew from one to another. Today, you can catch tuberculosis any: in the subway, with a kiss, even a lean book. These bacillos absolutely spit on the floor, age and social status, the main thing is that the person is good. And there everything is solved by immunity.

Windmill need to pass in childhood


If a child appeared in the courtyard with attractive purple specks on the skin, then it is a big luck. After all, you can immediately infect all children. Like, in childhood, it is easier to pass. How can the child be easier to hurt? Temperature, chills, diarrhea is all windmill. Did anyone asked children at all, lighter them or not? Although the red and green specks in 5 look a lot more fun than in 30.

Dysbacteriosis - Cause of any abdominal pain

I have a stomachache? This is your microflora violated - the Soviet doctors argued. The Soviet Union ended, and the diagnosis remained. And they put it not only the doctors, but also the patients themselves. After all, everyone knows that bacteria live in the belly, "bad" and "good" ... familiar text? Here! Excellent promotional move, right? The intestinal pain may influence the intolerance to those or other products, inflammation and infection. And yogurt will not help here.

In the bath you can pick up the pubic loss


There all naked and loss can easily jump over one, hmm ... girls to another. Is it not an argument? Let's start with the fact that I don't know the flea and does not know how to jump. To force the lazy to go from one pubis on the other you need a very body contact. For example, sex is perfect. Well, and if you have sex in the bath - then you can pick up, and stroke from the glow of passions.

If you walk without sneakers in the locker rooms, you infect fungus

Another advertising "Plague of the 21st century" is a feet fungus. As with any other plague, sneakers do not protect it, especially if they are open. But, for example, from the plantar wart will protect. But she (and this virus) enters the body through open wrecks on the foot and manifests itself if a person is reduced immunity.

Delivered through clothes in the store


If the ringing deprived was so easy, then we would all have become infected. To get infected after fitting, you need to make a lot of sick pathogens on the dress or sweater. Even if this thing before this was measured by three infected, causative agents will still not be enough.

The "Distribution" championship is still remaining kittens and puppies from the street. Fear them!

Scabies - on the handrails of the subway

It is theoretically to be infected with scabies in the subway, but only with a very incredible setting of circumstances: if you take the handrail immediately after it is about 40 minutes, a person who has sconces concentrated on brushes and palms. To catch a garlic tick, you need a bodily contact, such as a strong handshake.

In the skin and venereological clinic, you can get sifilis


Even when you come to the leathering to treat a burn or check the moles, there is always a fear: what if the syphilis sticks out? Maybe, of course, but only if in the corridor you will meet an excellent stranger - the Sofilis carrier, the passion will immediately break up between you and you immediately, in the local toilet box, will have sex without a condom. By the way, we do not recommend. Whether to cling Lee Syphilis is your personal matter, but think about the moral side of the question - after all, while you take the booth, it could take advantage more than five times in direct appointment.

Illustrations: shutterstock

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