"Such as I, in China burned" and 18 more quotes Renata Litvinova



Today is the birthday of Renat Litvinova - the only person who can use in one sentence "Love" and "Blood", without provoking the mass Faispalma, actresses, which always plays itself, and walking evidence that noar is more lively.

Since childhood, I picked up with grandmother's spirits and even once poured a half-storey to my shoes, it seemed to me romantic. And when I chatted my legs, everyone began to sniffed suspiciously to me, as if by a dung pile. But I so desperately published the smell of the valley! So on a personal example, I fought against the Soviet opinion that the girl should smell soap.

I want to say "I love you," but there is no one all the time.

Love is big-big wounds. This is not meat, but something is very bloody.

Once I read one beautiful phrase: "Madness gives us wings." I do not fight for the title of the most normal woman. I like being like.

I was born a year of the fiery horse. Such in general in China burned, because they are not suitable for family life.


I spend most of life in Russia - this is also a test. Not Africa, of course, but still.

I looked recently to my photos and thought: "We must! How I am beautifully old! "

All this was terrible around, - I went to an antique store and bought for myself for the last money let alone, but a beautiful cup. To in the morning and in the evening, drink tea from it and look not on the ugliness around me, but on this cup as a concept - to edit around yourself the setting to rejoice.

Mom poems I read before bedtime. True, sometimes strange, about a woman who rushed under the train, there is such a block.

Tell me, I'm very different from the real actors? Well, you understand - there is no such that everything Celsius, and I am Fahrenheit?


And so I lead a ascetic lifestyle, in a celibate stay. But in general, to be a complete Holiness somehow went.

I like urban crazy. They inspire me much more than models from magazines.

I am not an electrician on schedule, all predictable.


Recently in Paris, I bought tea called the "Old Virgin" - there are such Mamienikins children who turn into this tea.

Why save on mutual admiration? After all, life is so short, we are all candidates for the dead.

Quotes collected Olga Lysenko

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