Eat not at home: how to arrange a picnic and do not get on


The city resident loves the city, but more and more in theory. In practice, the simple eating sandwiches under the birch turns into a nightmare. From the bottom of the bump, on top of the mosquitoes, the legs were wet, the knife was lost, Bacon Prouch. We tell how to arrange a picnic and at the same time not to wait for the shootings on the plenuer.

Prepare food in advance

Demgement all that requires cutting, wash everything that is impossible to eat. Sliced ​​dried into vacuum packages or plastic containers. Dolky fruits can be folded together again and grind up with a rubber band - so they will not darken and do not remember.

Pack province with mind

Forget about pastoral wicker baskets - with them it is good to be photographed for instagram, but in the harsh conditions of the forest bale, they do not withstand any criticism. Find a comfortable bag with durable handles and a wide straw - who knows how much good it is necessary to drag on bouanes, until there is a suitable glade.

If you capture a refrigerator bag with me, feed it by the clinch - the more food and drinking in it, the longer it will remain cold. Add additional cooling is a special ice container. No container - freeze pair of small tetrapaks with juice. They will cool food, and then they can simply defrost and drink, so as not to drag extra back.

Code of fantasy

The usual blanket thrown on the grass is not enough. Plaid the roads, and the grass is dirty, and even for sure and wet. And ourselves. The picnic bed must be multi-layered. Minimum is a waterproof cloth (for example, which served his shower curtain) and a soft blanket-dash-tablecloth. For lovers of the comfort of the level of pro - three-layer composition: the same curtain, a children's mosaic mat made of foam rubber (so much more convenient in transportation than the clumsy rolls of rugs for yoga, although they will rise) and spilling.

Don't post all

No matter how great is the temptation to turn the litter into the self-pool tablecloth, refrain. In the summer, and even in the wild forest, the bacteria are frozen quickly. Salad can be loaded literally for one and a half or two hours - and then it will be someone who ate it. In addition, ants and other fauna will escape on the smell of mayonnaise and ham. Hide the food in small portions and immediately close the bag-cooler.

Code Bar on Wheels

Simply simple: Opened the trunk, spread the tableboard in it and placed bottles, plates and plates with a treat on it. Let it be a bar and a buffet, and the piccles with comfort will slip on the litter, not risking to hung the knee in Canapshki.

Think about bloodsuckers

Do not doubt, they will have their own picnic. Infrequently, it hits such happiness - a dozen juicy townspeople in shorts! Pouring a repellent in a spray, anti-mosquito spirals and candles with citronella - the latter also give the chic to your exit boo.

Use eco-dishes

Since you suffered into the forest - it means you love nature. You love nature, do not behave like an irresponsible pig. Purchase or reusable plastic dishes for picnic, or disposable cardboard plates and cups and napkins from recycling. Plastic and so has already become a problem, do not contribute.

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