11 pieces that will greatly facilitate life in the journey "DICER"


No words, nice to drive around at hotels and sanatoriums: clean bed linen, hot shower and someone has already prepared you breakfast. But in order to go "DICER", its own, completely different charm.

If you have been traveling for a long time in this way, who are we, to give you advice? And if you only called you friends and said to take a standard set (Swiss knife, sleeping bag, bowl, Power Bank and woolen socks), then you know that a couple of things from the list below, added to the set, can greatly facilitate your life in a journey.


Organizer for linen

Briefs, socks and T-shirts, as the smallest clothing items, tend to move after each peek in the backpack on it in unpredictable directions. With the organizer urgently get woolen socks will not be a problem.

By the way, you know that if the usual spare clothes roll with tubes, and not to fold, as a mom in a suitcase for pioneerlage, then it takes much less place?

Solar battery

Power Bank is a wonderful, beautiful thing that you need to run all the time to recharge somewhere. And if you are traveling not the rainy summer and especially in the south, then an even more wonderful thing will be a compact solar battery. Soviet for calculators will not suit, take modern, from which the phones can be charged.

The sun is generally an excellent source of energy. For example, a forpe water supplier. In the south, it is enough to leave for a day any capacity with water so that in the evening to take a warm shower, in moderate latitudes, the container will need dark.

Roll of bags

The most common thin polyethylene bags of small. Places almost does not occupy, but when it is necessary to urgently pack socks impregnated with a swamp, a small garbage or a happening food, which is going to eat later, very comfortable to quickly tear one.

Paper bags are much more environmentally friendly, but the tourist is critical of the backpack and the speed of some operations.

Drink filter

No need to wait until the spring is found or until you reach the city. Do not constantly carry the bottles with you. You reach the closest not the most muddy puddle and drink from there, without turning into a goat.

By the way, rivers and streams also need filters. No matter how large is a temptation to wash or wash the dishes right on babe, if you use soap (even an eco-friendly economic), go away to pour water, away and do not allocate directly in the stream. Give water to return to it with a filmed land-making.

Well, and many copes with washing dishes at all without soap. Here the rule number one is to immediately lick (yes) the plate so that food particles do not stick, and then sand, grass and seaweed you help you.

Soft bucket for water

It is better that you can hinder, they do not have ribbosity and therefore you can go to the backpack as you like. If it is also closed, it's just not the prices.

In general, in some way it is an analogue of medieval fur. Not everything that was in the Middle Ages, is not good at our time, especially if you spend the night in places without civilization.

Cotton dense handkerchief

It doesn't matter, the boy you or a girl, a nice cotton head shawl in a non-market color - just a thing with a capital letter. With the ability to add a handbag from it (going to Japanese), it turns into an Avoska or Ridicul to visit civilization. It is observed as a headdress, closes the burnt shoulders when you want to continue to sunbathe everything else, perfectly replaces the tack or towel. Instantly turns into a locking bandage if the dimensions allow, or a wet compress on the forehead. He is also an excellent pillowcase.

Easily erased, dried and practically does not occupy space.


Money must lie in three places: on the card - most; Where it is easy to remove a trifle and small bills to quickly buy food or medicines; And where you can get a pair of large bills in case of extreme need and inaccessibility of banking terminals.

The bra is a bad idea. Money in it sweat. The belt with a secret tiny wallet (such produced, yes) - good. Another hello from the Travelers of the Middle Ages.

Chemical warmer

And the sleeping bag you have a warm, and the sweater took, and woolen socks did not forget, but you can still find that this little bag, which warms you all night (or the whole terribly rainy day, while you are crawling in the mud) - just the best What you put in a backpack.

Separate cakes Another bag is glued into the sleeping bag. Feet warm - it's great.

LED table lamp

The harsh travelers simply hang the lamp, but the folding charged LED lamp can light up the space and more, and brighter, and the charge is enough for several days.

Flashlight, by the way, do not forget too and do not hope for a mobile phone. The phone in the journey "DICER" is not at all for nothing in vain a charge. Many believe that the best flashlight is a stick, leaves hands free.

Soft bottle

Such a wonderful rolling bottle, light, durable and compact. I wanted - you use it to wash, wanted - the berries in it scored.

Pins and clothespins

For such trifles, there are all the time for such trifles, but they are always very sudden and by the way. The clothespins are not only suitable for linen and bags with bulk products, these are just small, light, comfortable clamps. Wailed on a rope on clothespins bags with trifles make life in the parking lot more convenient. Pins can not only pod the clothes, but also to pin it and a backpack something. In general, the same thing as the nerd rope is.

Text author: Lilith Mazikina

Illustration: pixabay.com.

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