Make me raging: Recipes of awesome heating drinks


Pour a bottle of inexpensive red in the bucket and flashed there more cloves and cinnamon - such a way to warm up with us every one almost a schoolboy practices. PICS.RU collected more original ways to turn the evening from the wet wet dirtiness in a warm friendly catavation!

Coffee Mlindwene


Ingredients: 300 ml of welded coffee, a bottle of red wine, a glass of brandy, 150 grams of sugar, a couple of citruses and a zest from them, you can literally a couple of cloves.

The process itself. Coffee is heating the degrees to 80, we pour wine to it, then cognac, then we fall asleep sugar and zest, we water all this with cloves. And now on slow fire let it all should warm and reunite. But, of course, do not boil that, as we remember, is the great rule of any right mulled wine. Disadvised by the kitchen? It's time to pour, decorate the fruit, warm and cheer!

Egg mulled wine


Ingredients: A liter of red wine, a pair of yolks, sugar spoons (depending on the degree of sweetness or the acid of wine), a few naviffes, can drip cinnamon and anise.

The process itself. Wine let him slowly reach almost boiling, on the way I throw the carnation and the other cute heart of the spice, and they are engaged in yolks. There are some of them with sugar to homogeneity, a little seamless - and now we pour in the wine with a thin jet. Along the way, we mix well, and we have an appetizing such foam. We take off in time so as not to boil-boiled, flickering, spread in the cups of the glasses - and please the company with a statement that it is not necessary to hoe to this drink, it is already inside there!

Punch Apple Honey


Ingredients: A bottle of white dry wine, 2 squares of Calvados, a glass of apple juice, 2 tablespoons of honey, cinnamon stick, a couple of navithic.

The process itself. From the lemon, cut a few circles, squeeze juice from the rest. Now the skins left from the poor mounds throw in a saucepan with apple juice, begin to heat and send honey there, let it dissolve. Lemon juice goes there. For him in turn followed Wine and Calvados. All this is a cinnamon and carnation, after which the mixture languishes on a slow spot for 15 minutes. Fill, spread around the charm, we launch the lemon slices there - and arrange at the fireplace (well or the Calrifer), thoughtfully quoting the remark.

Glogg Dansky


Ingredients: A bottle of red wine, a glass of vodka, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 100 g of raisins, 100 g almonds, cinnamon stick, 6 cloves, half spoons of ginger.

The process itself. Everything is very simple: we send alcohol into the saucepan, following him we send everything else. Now heat out on non-passable fire before dissolving sugar. Let half an hour be imagined - and the aroma will approach the "awesome". The cooled Glogg can and need to be heated, you can even print it on the evening and stored in the refrigerator, and then after a walk on the cold, stick it into the microwave - and dishonor to the soul and body with each sip!

Punch with tequila

Ingredients: Bottle of tequila, half a cup of orange and a glass of grapefruit juice, a couple of glasses of hard black tea, a glass of lemon juice, cinnamon sticking, sugar.

The process itself. In the saucepan, pour tequila and juices. Add cinnamon and all this warmly slowly to the state "now boils, turn off come on!" Remove from the burner, pour tea, throwing a cinnamon, try, we solve how much sugar is added, add, stir. We struggle with the desire under the motto "Something I did not really proged" turning out of plenty - and share the delicious hottest with the gathered company!

Hot chocolate in Mexican


Ingredients: 2 Glasses of milk, 50 grams of cocoa powder and sugar, a spoon of cinnamon (you can stick it for beauty), a little ground chili and Cayenne pepper (in fact - how much the soul asks and allows the body).

The process itself. Milk with warmness, sugar in it and dissolve, stirring (for a worst ponta and aroma, you can make it a cinnamine stick). Now Supil Cocoa (continuing to mix) and pepper (yes, yes, we continue, continue!). How boils - remove, spread, sprinkle with cinnamon with ground and eat. It's not alcohol, but heats, begetted and fun so that mom is not burning!

Flip Honey


Ingredients: 4 eggs, 700 ml of milk, a pair of tablespoons of rigorous honey, a pair of a glass of coconut rum or a liqueur, a little nutmeg and cinnamon.

The process itself. Proteins separate from yolks. The first is whipped separately to the foam state, the second - with honey to the lush. Milk bring to a boil, pour rum into it, and all this pour into the egg-honey mixture, thickening it at the same time with a whisk. Now quietly add the same proteins there, not lying to mix as it should. Now you can spill around the bowls, sprinkle with spices and celebrate this unique evening!

Wine shotboard


Ingredients: A glass of red dry wine, 3 tablespoons of honey, pinching of cinnamon, stuff 3 nails, a little nutmeg and ginger, lemon zest.

The process itself. In the saucepan, we pour the wine, pouring a water (you can, of course, to celebrate and do it in general, if it is very cold and sad ...), we send the zest and honey. I bring before boiling. We remove, throw the spices there, then on a slow spot once again bring to orgasm (crossed out) the highest point, turn off and give half an hour. Now they fix it - and you can heal and take! Not the drunkenness of the digestion for the sake of the sake of, and the tokmo is not freezing and not to go.

Hot Cider


Ingredients: A bottle of cider, a pair of apples, a small piece of ginger, a couple of cloves, a spoon of lemon juice, a slightly fragrant pepper, a spoon of honey, can be a drop of Calvados.

The process itself. Cider pour into the pan, the crushed ginger and other spices immediately go to it. We bring all this to a boil, and now honey joins the company, then lemon juice. If suddenly in the bar completely accidentally dust calhdos, a race and his droplet, purely for completeness of the bouquet. Now we cut the apple there - and serve all this fragrant beauty of the crowd. How everyone was already excited and revived!

Gogol-Mogol Alcohol


Ingredients: 5 eggs, 3 cups of milk, a glass of cream, on a half pack of Roma and brandy, a half-table of sugar, 100 g of powdered sugar, a little vanilla and a nutmeg.

The process itself. Proteins separate from yolks and the last beat in a foam together with sugar. Right in the process of whipping slowly, alcohol, half the cream and fall asleep spices. Separately whip the proteins, we organize a meeting with them, then we connect with the remaining cream and with sugar powder - and still beat. You can drink and so, but better hot. The process for Buddhists or phlegmatic, but it is worth it! Sweet, satisfying, pleases the heart and warms the body to the most before the outskirts!

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