6 faithful signs that winter is closer than heating season


In the midst of the city were flooded, in half only promise. And winter has already begun visit us!

Here are a few signs that the laying too laughed with heating.



Catics again penetrated to you tenderness. You sat down - they are on your knees, you lay down - they are on face. Moreover, it does not matter, whether your cats are yours. It is worthwhile to visit a strong and independent friend, sit down to drink - and you are already cut by cats.

# 2.

If you are not sitting and you are not lying, but you go around the apartment, the cat begins to pray on the battery. Or pick up the position at which it will finally become warm. After all, in some pose on the battery it was warm, she remembers!

# 3.

Your cat discovered that the extension ran out on the floor of the extension for as many as two, and then three degrees are warmer than this walled place. And now it is constantly on it.


If you want to wash quickly, you need to take a bath. It will cool, and get out just. But from under the hot soul - just unreal!


If you have an electric kettle, your kitty dreams so that you love to drive tea. And the kettle himself, meanwhile, hurt a luxurious fur collar.

# 6.

Who said that slippers and a carpet on the floor - meshness? How did you say when it was broken?! Okay, and where are the very socks that grandmother do you have tied a birthday in May?! Oh, how you underestimated your grandmother, I need to call her and pour into the phone. From love.

Illustration: shutterstock

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