One, very one: how to enjoy loneliness


We are afraid of loneliness to the plague forest, although modern culture is completely in vain one's state. Alone is better thinking - no wonderful people, it was a matter, wearing everyone to hell and went to live in the wilderness to eat there every garbage and generate wisdom.

Loneliness helps calibrate the settings in the head - and the retriever industry has been built on this fact, where the audience pays a few weeks to mend in silence, since loneliness got you for free - enjoy it, because it does not definitely.

Construct a comfortable space

If loneliness covers you because the novel just sank, clearing its territory from everything that reminds of this fact. Emights something that I never liked, but pleased with the eye to the partner. Take what I did not like and therefore was under the unlawful ban. If you are sad because you moved to an unfamiliar city, immediately start the nest. If six rolls of toilet paper and a circle are all that you brought to a removable apartment, it will seem like a temporary chain that has nothing to do with you - you will feel someone else with your own home. And you need to create such a space in which it is pleasant to return.

Do not scold yourself for loneliness

Sometimes loneliness is necessary - social detox allows you to listen to yourself and understand your desires. Perceive it precisely as a spa procedure for the psyche, and not as a mortal sin, and do not resend yourself to people, if you really want to sit at home and watch documentaries about mushrooms. Interaction with others implies an intensive emotional exchange, but if you do not have forces on it, do not overload yourself.

We somehow accustomed to the default to believe that the household is automatically a lizer, although it is not clear that such an amazing thing is that you will spend the Saturday evening to drink to the position of Reese, and not enjoying the book or the manufacturer of cassates.

Taken what people usually do in the company, but - solo

Revising the "Theory of the Big Explosion", go to the cinema, to concerts and lectures on urbanisy, taste molecular scrambled eggs with lard, walk around the city - all this can be done in one sting. And it will still be good. We do not expect when there is a satellite, and do not cancel your plans if the company does not fit in any way. Today, you, damn, go on the clodmer, and if no one else wants there - well, the fools themselves.

Spend a revision of hobbies

Communication takes a bunch of time. Now you do not interfere with returning to what I liked before, and check - and still you have been rushing from it. If not, you do not lose anything, if yes - life will just improve 6 if you return to salsa courses, Ikido's classes or again you will mess around with scrapbooking.


Any courses, seminars, webinars and so on - a great way to drive a dark thoughts and make the brain work (really work, and not drive the same song in a circle about what you are a lonely hips). You are in any case in the plus: the loneliness will end soon or not, you pump your skills. By the way, you can also start dating courses - well, of course, if you enjoy solitude already tired.

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