Non-polls: things that need not to lose the kid



Children are creatures to the extreme of mobile. Here it is here, and after a second, at the other end of the shopping center, takes the storming pool with balls, and you run around the edge of the nervous breakdown. Losing a child - nightmare nightmare any parent. It is good that there are quite a few pieces to track those who cut, but mil, and the return of the losses in the Lohn family.


The usual managerial badge, which generously distribute in any conferences, can play a decisive role in finding a child (not to bring the sky, of course). Print on the card "I lost! Call my mom "- and your phone. Children's psychologists say that it is not necessary to write the name of the child - bad people can use it to undergo in confidence in the kid. Bayage can be hung over the neck or attach to clothes.


It is even easier to buy a special fabric sticker on which you can write all the necessary information. These stickers pliers tight and withstand a lot of styrics.



Cute soft moistureproof bracelets - not just baubles. They can be attached to a piece of paper with the address of the baby, the phones of the parents and (just in case) the list of allergens, you never know what can happen.

Translated tattoos

Personal, the bracelet dyatyatko can remove. If there is no confidence that the child will not check this number, choose stickers-tattooes - bright, safe and very persistent (Sob transfer tattoo for adults so kept!), Although if desired, they are easily washed away. Tatakers go in a set with a felt-tip pen, which you can write all the necessary information on them.

Alarm for the pool

An indispensable thing for trips to the sea and all sorts of all-inclusive. The bracelet that reacts to the water is cling to the handle of the child, and the receiver is put on the bag to the mother. As soon as your treasure is unauthorized climbing the pool, the receiver will let you know about it. Radius of reception - approximately 50 meters.



There are a lot of such GPS hours, but Pics.Ru believes that Hereo is still the most cute. With the help of a special application, the watch shows the location of the heir, track its activity, work as alarm clock and reminder and can even receive calls.


In essence, the same as the clock. GPS tracker is a small box that is put in pocket and in real time transfers to the parent smartphone information about the movements of Chad. Often, equipped with an alarm button that sends the signal "to the aid!"


In comparison with previous gadgets, a very simple thing that, nevertheless, may be very useful for a walk. The heater clings the beacon, the parent remains the receiver box. As soon as the child is removed from the receiver to a given distance (for example, 50 meters), the beacon is alarmingly completed. So the Guardian Angel Locator works. Locator Mommy I'm Here Here, the principle of action is a bit different - if you have released a baby from sight, just press the button on your receiver, and the beacon will be boosted - loud enough so that you can understand where the child was taken out.

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