Holy procrastination: why not let me work


Weekly weekend, unrestrained fun, an endless bottle of red dry, sudden trips to Georgia and compulsory views of the last couples of hundreds of melodram, made their job: on the first working day you came to the office. Everything.

It's impossible to work there - because it is better to pour on the tape in Facebook and an interesting article about the fact that mushrooms are actually smarter than some people. Look later how to shimmer into the glasses from Starbucks Rom with a cola right on Red Square and treated all passersby. Well, nails cut, of course. Sansary wheel froze - the time of holy procration has come. And do not dare to drive it!

Greatly love work harmful

About procrastination so often they say that for sure will soon be called by her terrible disease, which is infected with 80% of the population of the Earth. But in the fight against laziness, scientists completely forgot about stopping - the exact opposite of idleness. This is a strange state when I want to immediately want to take it and finish it as soon as possible. Any delay is unanswered email, a colleague on a dinner or a hanging screen can cause not just irritation, but also an attack of aggression. And this is harmful not only for you, but also for others.

The best ideas come suddenly

When you idle - watch the twenty-fifth time "Sex in the big city" or play Sims (yes, we know), your brain is completely relaxed. Usually we think templates, and in the process of procrastination, cease to control the thinking - set yourself the tasks. This is where the most interesting ideas, unexpected solutions and even accounting reports are born!

Cumulative effect

The longer you pronounce (in reasonable of course limits, not weeks and months), the more energy accumulate - the same simple physics. And when the short and concise thought "time" comes to a completely empty head, you will completely suddenly appear such a charge of cheerfulness that it is enough for two diploma work on applied mathematics (but better, of course, send it to a real job).

But it is best to return to the working mode with an old--way regime. It falls early, get up too early, redo all the important things in the first half of the day and leave half an hour on the Internet surfing or sims (after reading this article delete them already from the phone).

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