8 Lifehakov, who would definitely bring my grandmothers crazy



Our moms, moms moms and their moms have always been excellent hostess, because from generation to generation used a certain set of algorithms: washing on Wednesdays, cleaning on Sundays, dust from the light bulbs - every second Saturday of the month. Effectively, but very labor.

We collected 8 lifehakov for you, which greatly facilitate life, but still bring to the strike of our grandmothers.

Washing when you want

Unlikely, you will save a bunch of money on washing once a week on the night from Saturday to Sunday. As soon as things are enough - download the car to the delicate. Almost all not particularly gentle fabrics can be erased in this mode - cotton, viscose, synthetic silk. 30 minutes and ready - no solardings, selection and God forbid - starch. Well, really, from some such creepy bacteria to save clothing in the world of offices?

Do not refuel the bed

If you live alone, then chaos from pillows and blankets are unlikely to embarrass. In addition, it is useful - air circulation and your bed microclimate work much more efficiently when there is space, do not let up to the small tillatles in the underwear.

Clean by mood

If the time has come, or you need to pull the pairs, or the soul wants an act of purification, or put thoughts on the shelves and ponder a new business strategy. Do not live on the calendar of cleaning, and of course, do not waste the precious weekend on dust under the plinth. If you remove approaches - it does not accumulate there. Cleaning can enjoy when it is not a duty.

Open its narnia


To make yourself a separate shelf, or even a chair for clothes, and do not hang back to the closet. So you will not allow to multiply by bacteria in a closed space and again - the circulation of the air will refresh yesterday's sweater.

Floor before exit

And even better - disappear, it is easier, and faster. No matter how diligently you spend a clock for ironing, things will come together in the closet. After washing, hang and lay down in places, but it is better to iron before going out - then definitely will not be a stupid shooter where it is not necessary.

Write on the mirror

Reminders, motivators, and even draw the quotes. The mirror should not be perfectly clean, the main thing is that it pleases you.

Ready for one time


If you do not have a big family and work from 9 to 9, then you have no need for cooking weekly dins. Freshly frozen or welded food is always tastier and more useful, and raw vegetables (in a salad or just like this) are beyond. Even if the sudden guests are kept in the reserve of two or three rapid recipes and a bottle of wine.

Throw away with ease

All you do not use more than three months. Okay, the deadline is a year! Do not turn your home in the warehouse of unnecessary things. And the balcony is generally needed in order to enjoy the view, breathe and relax. There is your place, not cans, old magazines and old T-shirts for giving.

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