Very big post about eyebrows


"I have repeatedly said that the eyebrows is important. They give the person a clarity, certainty, they affect how the expression of the face in general is perceived. My own minimum makeup is to remove porous bruises and emphasize eyebrows, the mascara is already optional. " We publish more than detailed CSU from the makeazea and photographer Natalia Galtskaya.


Even actively emphasized eyebrows should look natural. For myself, I pick out the means in tone of the hair, and, as a rule, something like that, from those who have blond or brown hair, all these average shades. With very dark hair, the remedy should be on the tone-other lighter hair, otherwise it turns out completely zaguch and rudely, and completely blonde sometimes works well the means just darker the hair itself. In all cases, it is necessary to ensure that things are drawn, it did not turn out to be too warm tone, otherwise they will look reddish. The exceptions make up people with painted in red hair, there the use of reddish tools often allows you to "fit" the color of the hair to face, otherwise your own looks inappropriately gray. Incidentally and the end of the eyebrows should not be strictly fixed, the color gently comes off. As a rule, it is better if the tail of the eyebrows does not descend below its base, otherwise from "tightens" the eye corners. Too finely plucked and at the same time hard eyebrows not only send us into the seventies, where blue shadows are all, but also, as a rule, add age and / or make the face painful. Human eyebrows are rarely quite the same, but you can make a slightly symmetry with makeup, and then the face as a whole looks more symmetrical.

And now let's see what you can do all this.

The pencils

The most traditional, and at the time of our parents - almost the only way. There are usual, wooden, and mechanical, with a flossing styling. Sometimes equipped with a brush that allows combing eyebrow to make-up (it is desirable to desert every time, if there is no brush - then a separate lubshik) or to grow color in the haze. There are varying degrees of hardness / fatty.

My most beloved - the Korean firm Cascade of Colors are, practically compressed eyebrow shadows, therefore, for example, they behave better on fat.

Resistance: Different Dignity : It is convenient to use, do not need special brushes, if desired, you can not only fill the space with color, but also draw individual hairs. disadvantages : With an inaccurate handling, the eyebrow may look frankly "hand drawn", on oily skin can be broken (there are no dry and persistent this problem).

Shadows for eyebrows

This is the second most popular option. Like many other eyebrows, they are applied with a short dense flat tassel, straight or bevelled, on a guillotine blade manner.

Sometimes I use two tones of shadows - darker to emphasize the upper face and break, and the brightest of the same color to fill the space, creating the illusion of greater density. Shadows are good primarily by the fact that they easily create the illusion of the shadow of the hairs on the skin, especially if the shade is quite deaf, grayish.

Resistance : Not very - easily washed off with water, then, etc., erased - in general, like any dry agent. Dignity : Shadows make it possible to achieve the most natural effect, create the easiest gradient, barely noticeable haze. If you wish, it is easy to mix shades to the desired one. It is easy to correct the error, erased and drawing a re-unsuccessful place. disadvantages : In situations where a person can hardly stand or wet, not the best choice.

Tint for eyebrows

This is a strongly pigmented remedy, even a small drop stretches almost indefinitely. Tassel is better to use synthetic and rigid enough. It is the titles that I use in situations when it is necessary to last long - wedding makeups, balls, dancing, etc. Resistance : High Dignity : Very small consumption, the ability to finely grow, almost like shadows, or achieve very clear lines. Actually, resistance. disadvantages : require accuracy, with unusual easy to overdo it. In general, not the most convenient and not the fastest way to do something with eyebrows. A small selection of shades.

Lipstick / Mousse for eyebrows

This is a softer and more fatty agent, less pigmented than titt, and therefore somewhat simpler use.

These things are good because if you wish, you can apply not only to the skin, but also partly overlapping the color of the eyebrows themselves.

Resistance : High enough, but TINT is more biased. Dignity : Easier in circulation than tit. disadvantages : All this break with a glass jar, from where you must first dial the floor with a spatula (in the one that only for myself, you can get a tassel), and, as a rule, the remedy in the jar dries earlier than ends.

Gels for eyebrows

There are transparent, colored and fillebles with fibirsters - in general, mixed fibers that give the eyebrows of density and rockiness. From top to bottom: colorless transparent, color, colored shaggy.

If previous funds were intended for drawing only, gels also serve for laying. It happens that the natural form of eyebrows is beautiful, but soft hairs are easily knocked down by hanging down. Then just combing them with a transparent gel is already great for the overall effect. It is colorless gels that most often use in male makeup. Colored gels allow you not to simply put your eyebrows, but also darken too pale eyebrows, or change the shade (as in that example with the red), or adjust the shape, "surprising" to the eyebrows, for example, invisible transparent hairs. Finally, gels with fibers are indispensable with thin and rare eyebrows or simply in situations when you want to add lungs.

Resistance and fixation : Varides from different brands, but in general is quite high. Dignity : In individual use does not require special brushes, color gels allow you to simultaneously adjust the eyebrow and fix it, and the transparent used in combination with shadows extends these shadows of life. Well gel is one of the most invisible options. disadvantages : If you need a serious drawing, then one gel, even color, it will not be enough.

Wax for eyebrows

It also happens both color and transparent, in a pencil and just in a jar. Color wax at the same time and fixes the hairs, and allows something to draw, colorless only fixes, so for myself I sometimes use the same wax that the hair is laying (or rather, ENTING).

Resistance and fixation : average. For soft eyebrows just right, but tough or stubbornly looking down the hairs better fix with gel. Well, the wax is not the best choice for oily skin. Dignity : Colored wax in a pencil - the perfect way quickly, literally in two movements make yourself beautifully. For those who fit such a texture - hardly the best choice. The one that in the photo, I often use the "five minute makeup", when it is necessary to draw yourself a little, but there is no time at all. disadvantages : The gel dries up, and the wax remains almost unchanged on the eyebrows, and this stickiness annoys. Well, the color, if the wax is color, will not stay on the oily skin for a long time.

Powder + gel

Pretty rare option, I met him only at Anastasia Beverly Hills. It is a dry very pigmented powder in a jar, which must be mixed with a translucent gel, and then the tassel of the resulting composition on the eyebrows.

Resistance and fixation : High resistance, fixation average. Dignity : You can vary the color intensity. disadvantages : A lot of compensation, it will not suit the impatient and those who do not have much time on makeup.

Feltolsters for eyebrows

They are only suitable for individual use, because the "sting" of the felt-meter is to disinfect problematic, in the make-up artist work with them it is not clear what to do. Compass the compactness and convenience of the pencil and the durability of the title, but it is necessary to use it carefully, so as not to organize the effect of the tattoo.

The most historical option

Patch eyebrows cut from mouse skins. In the XVIII century were a fashion trend. Modern variants of overhead eyebrows also exist, they are used mainly in makeup or if for some reason the eyebrows are not completely, but everything is boring - artificial fiber and no mumyatina.

Source: Natalia Galetsky Blog

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