3 ways to increase a little in your life


All the time you are afraid to take too much space, someone else's time, someone else's attention? Maybe you are a very tactful person, and it may still be that you give yourself or others to clean you from your own life, as if you don't have the right to be in it.

After all, your life is not only physiological processes within your body, in it - the space in which you live, the people with whom you communicate, and the elementary right to respect.

Miraculous panacea to turn you into a confident woman who, if necessary, he distributes to all sisters by earrings, we do not. But a couple of receivers for you and others felt your presence and its normality in this world, we have.

Collect legs, scatter hands

When you sit somewhere, occupy as much space as possible. Pull out or conveniently express my legs, learn on the back and scatter your hands. Take up when you stand just like this or clogging on the support.

If it is very difficult to do in public, start with the occasion of the space when you are alone with you. Soon you will get used to the feelings that you get in a new pose, and you will be easily equipped to occupy space with others. Of course, we do not believe that it is necessary to do so in the elevator or in public transport, but you are not only in these two locations.

Psychologically, the body of space gives you to you, and the surrounding signal that you have the right to exist in it.

Lyfhak from the most shy: start wearing volumetric clothes, which is still perceived at the signals level as a continuation of a person. Looped lush hair also help.

Turn on gentle violet!

When someone shouts at you, he invades your personal space. If you can't make yourself squeeze him from there, while scolding or tapping in response, try to cope with the method of centenary of age. Be such a gentle, that all the same as expensive will come over you!

If you scream on the phone, say nervously into the tube: "Obhethenyenyakhenichyshinnishly !!!" And Tube Cidai. But raise when they call again. This is what you are ready for contact, and on that side are inadequate and the contact itself ruins. Each time the screeching begins in the tube, repeat about the pumpkinishness. If you do not hear for your own screams, throw the tube, they went sms. About me. From the fifth-sixth call, the interlocutor begins to show wonders to hold a voice, just like a civilized person who knows how to read, write and has the right to receive driver's license.

Well, yes, the victory by the logic and the assayment would be cooler, but so far you can not wander it, but from someone else's scream to get rid of somehow necessary.

If the conversation goes to the cry of the house, urgently plug in the toilet. If you can resolve tears, sobat from there and, in any case, shout about the Tynameychative. It's hard to shout, yes, but make yourself. Wrong in the toilet more advantageous. Skirukun on the other side intersperses thinking that he would sooner or later need this, hmm, resource. In the toilet it is a pity to knock out the door, if that. If there is a sink, you can always drink and wash it, it removes the stress from what you scream. You will not force you to get away from there the need to go to the toilet, because you and so in the toilet. In general, beauty.

Believe me, better let the beloved or maman call you hysterical, but they themselves will stop at any case to squeeze as the very hystericals, and will learn to speak humanly. From stress people die before, nafig you need it.

Silent sabotage

Already morally ready to defend its borders, for example, a written table, a shelf in a closet, and so on, but there is no power to speak out loud, there is no dispute? Just silently defend the boundaries, action. Someone does not collect dirty socks behind it or does not wash a plate, although promised because Tebetnochatoli? Everything neatly folds into bed. If the bed is general, he himself will have to be rented on the sofa, well, right, which is sleeping together with a pig. Puts your belongings to the only really your place, a table for a hobby? Things belong to the middle of the room and laid out on the floor. It is not necessary to spoil and throw out anything, it is quite silent all the time to move things to where they can perform the symbol and will interfere or corner eyes.

By the way, if you do not have a purely place, urgently appoint. Lucky! It is important. Each should be obvious that you may have both pants in the dresser.

Are you sure you will be bought?

Very important item. If you are afraid of not just shouts in response to these actions, screams, we note, followed by a humble readiness to talk, albeit in the spirit "Well, what are you achieving something?", And what are you trying to beat you or break your things, then The question is not in your ability to designate the borders. You live with a bastard, with a person who cannot be trusted because he attacks people. Your primary task in this case:

a) Survive in the mark of the bastard; b) prepare ways to retreat or wait for the moment when he does not overlap them, c) leave the bastard, because it is not normal to live with a bastard, normal when people do not beat them and it does not even threaten people.

But we also learn space, in advance, in advance. Among people will come in handy.

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