Honestly! How to lie to not sleep


You do not need to be a fistener, the leading federal television channel or the world champion in poker to lie smoothly and convincingly. Professionals from the lies have long found a lot of patterns and tricks that any heresy turn in the eyes of people into a clean truth.

The main thing is to believe


Half of our memories are nonsense and lies. A lot of experiments were conducted, proven that some events that we "remember" have never happened to us - this is the creative work of the brain on the processing of other people's stories, films, books and our own fantasies.

If you come up with some lies and try to actually believe it, for a short time, the brain can really confuse the lie and the truth. Then catch you on the lies will be difficult even with the help of a polygraph. Do not think that you will say - imagine the situation that you will describe and your reaction. 5-6 runs - and the brain is already fooled.

Thinking details

It is the details that make lies convincing and indistinguishable from the most honest truth. Because usually in speech we pay a lot of attention. But the lies, as a rule, poorly details - inexperienced lies thinks out the fabul, but completely forgets to prescribe characters and an environment. At best, he thinks over those details that are going to mention - in the colors will tell how he watched the World Championships with the boys, but it is worth asking what brand they drank.

In order not to get confused, integrate real things in lies. If you describe a non-existent person, take someone familiar for a sample, for example.

Do not eat eyes


Not always liars will look. On the contrary, they are usually dishwashed at the interlocutor, as a miracle of the Lord. Because, first, I read magazines, where it is said that when the lies need to look into the eyes, and secondly, it is very interesting - how does a person react to a lie?

We hide your eyes when we feel alarm or embarrassment, but not at all necessary - when time. The best tactic - the scheme-tested scheme "into the angle-on-on-subject" scheme. You can still watch where the first half of the phrase and pay attention to the interlocutor only at the end of the statement - about the way we usually do.

Do not ask

Even the faban can distinguish the truth from the lies if the lies will constantly repeat the questions. A honest person to the question "Where would be?" Answer "at work." Liar in the same situation will begin to rush: "What? Where I was? In the sense where I was today? And what? ".

Watch for Temomb


The brain is terribly honest, he does not like to lie, he frustrated from it. For the body, lies are excessive tension. Therefore, men, and women at lies speak a higher voice than usual - this is an unconscious reaction to stress. We are always writing when you are nervous. So let me in the voice of the jazz depth and velvet, and then sleep.

Bekai and Mekai

Usually it is disabled with all sorts of "EEE", "well, in short," shaking, grinding and other garbage. Vragne, on the contrary, just the joy of the philologist - the proposals are correct, no words-parasites and a chandelier, at least now at the exhibition of bearings. Because the lie usually scrolls in the head several times, and by the time it comes out, phrases are already ground and brought to perfection. But honest people do not say that.

Look left


Even if the legend is thought out so that Stirlitz himself would approve, and you own a voice, as a speaker, the body can still give you involuntary movements. They lie to the clothes, pick the floor with the leg, knock on the table with his fingers and generally clearly on the platoon.

When people are trying to control the movements, they are concentrated on the "working" side - right (left-handers, respectively, on the contrary). Non-working at this time there is a rotation. And if you managed to pacify the right hand, do not forget about the left - maybe it turns the button at this time.

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