Daniel Craig is no longer Bond: the actor refused the role for $ 100 million


Schellics, chase, supergages and beautiful women, apparently, ordered by the British actor Daniel Craigu - he officially refused the role of James Bond, despite the proposed fee of $ 100 million.


Craig performed the role of agent 007 in the last four films "Bondiana": on his account "Casino" Royal "," Kvant Mercy "," Skyfall "coordinates" and "Spectr".

The actors persuaded as they could, the MGM studio offered him a fabulous fee of 68 million pounds of sterling (about $ 100 million) for the next two franchise films, but he was adamant and stated that he was tired of the image of James Bond.

Rumors that Daniel Craig will no longer play Bond, appeared in 2105 after the release of the "spectrum", but now they were confirmed officially.


Now Tom Hiddleston, Idris Elba, Aiden Turner and Damien Lewis, are applying for a vacant role. At the same time, everything, of course, is sick for Hiddleston, and Idris Elba, if they choose it, will be the first in the history of black bond. Craig himself changed the pier of the Pierza in 2006 on this post, becoming the highest paid actor in the entire history of the franchise.

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