Large cleaning: Real stories about her incredible consequences



Sometimes to change life or make an interesting acquisition, it is not necessary to buy something new. It is enough to disassemble something old. Make cleaning on the balcony or garage, for example.

We asked for readers to tell the strongest cases related to great cleaning.

They are legend!

I grew up with my parents and sister in a small two-room apartment. Parents often told us the legend of the clock. They say, gave the parents to the wedding a huge wall clock, and soon after moving to this apartment they mysteriously and disappeared without a trace. The search did not give anything, and for many years the clock turned into a legend. And then suddenly found, behind the refrigerator. And yes, they were huge.


I somehow disassembled a closed male workshop. It was only a place in order to enter and stand in the center of the room. I thought, well, probably, under these layers, I will find something, if not valuable, then useful: a good tool, a box of nails. And so I began to make trash.

At first I knocked it into large garbage bags, but they ended. Then I knocked them a variety of rosary boxes, dangled in the same, and they also end. I raked the old bed, and pulled her on the garbage too, because she rotted, and someone ate her fur coat inside it ... In general, on the second day I cleared this room.

And all that I have good remaining, it is: a big Soviet doll with eyes closing, a box from under pre-revolutionary cigarettes, a copy of the painting "The Blind Son" Rembranta (oil, anonymous) and three cast iron scrap. A box with nails was also. Bent.



I have a story about a school sound recording studio. It was a room in the basement floor, in which there were a lot of equipment and wires. I entered the part of the students who created school radio and concerts, and one day we decided to get into the studio. The entire floor of a 5-meter room was covered with wires like a web - from thick loaded cables to old headphones. It was unraveling this ten hands, like a huge knitting. And in that cleaning, I accidentally threw a white bread loaf, which consisted of all of the beautiful green mold. Our sound engineer, my classmate, offended me. He said it was his pet gun, and he fed to his condensed milk.

Crow and Bulldog - Terrible Power

When I was not at home, my crow opened the cage and got out. Then they with Bulldog found a bottle of vegetable oil and played it. Then they found a tied garbage package, the feathered reptile worried him, and they played a little and in the garbage too, throughout the apartment. Then, apparently, they walked about everything they could have been walked about the raven and wrestled dog. Then they scored a bit.

And then I came. After a difficult day, tired of the trash, dreaming about a cup of coffee. And they rushed to meet me, stumbling on fragments of the garbage.

Well, by the morning I finished washing apart, bastards and myself.



Parents of her husband after the death of his grandmother disassembled her good. They found that painted snapped buffet there, under the paint - an antique cabinet! And in the table under a veneer, which was a little left, hundred rubles of the Soviet, fourth. They were also hidden, dead in the middle of the eighties.

Baking mother-in-law

When we moved to live to my mother-in-law and I haven't lost a dream yet to make your home, I started removal of garbage and deposits of trash from the kitchen. There were eight 15-liter buckets with small garbage, which was kept in cabinets and cabinets with decades. And I do not exaggerate about time. The drugs of the 70s of the issue are only part. 2 buckets of cereals in bags, thickly sent web and eaten with larvae of product moth. Tea Georgian 80th year of publication. Etc…

Mother's mother-in-law was in November last year and no one could have banned me to endure a mess from the kitchen. Remember eight vestors since last time? In addition, I carried 8 full garbage bags. Large white bags. Full.

Five ports of silver

Once he helped to get a friend in the apartment for a long time and tightly by the Jewish grandmother of this comrade. The fact that his mother, stepfather, grandfather, and he himself had no importance, did not have any meaning, her grandmother reigned there. We were cleaning due to the fact that the family from her left forever, only my friend remained. Lord, what kind of trash we took away from there! For example, the line of school wooden lines, 20 cm. Box, Karl! And in the bathroom - five washing machines "Baby". All, naturally broken

Cat is not to blame


Sounded somehow general cleaning. During the skin of the chair found the remains of hamster. He climbed there and died. I stopped offended by the cat, who accused many years. And from the skull, we did the ring, it is still carrying his girlfriend.

Kanister Alcohol

I was familiar with a comrade, whose parents in Sonomochny 17-18 people moved to another city, leaving the heir to the apartment. The young man did not differ accuracy. Bardak periodically guided such that it was scary. However, those who wish to bring up the order were always! Since the young man lived alone, without parents, he always had anybody tusil or fit. And when Bardak reached apogee, the owner with new guests casually talked about the fact that the father before leaving Ducklings somewhere in the house of a medical alcohol, and it would be fun to find and coster.

The people who are not familiar with this joke, instantly went, the apartment in parallel with the search lied to the brilliance, Canister, is clear, the stump was not, the young man was saddened by something in the spirit of "what a pity", and the mess made up to the sake of someone new not familiar with the situation.

The article prepared Lilith Mazikina

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