Baby and startup: Find 7 differences


You yourself do not believe that he ventured it, but here: you did it! You dreamed about it from school. It was not easy, it devoured all your free time, but you finally felt that I had something really worthwhile.

If you have become my mom, then you think about how the owner of his own new business feels. And if you started a business yourself, then you understand the newly-made mothers.

You are obsessed

The circle of interest is rapidly collapsed. All your thoughts are spinning around one item. Is he feeling well? What else does he need? I do everything correctly or others do more? Why is he so slowly growing, is that normal? I'll see at the forum. This is we about the startup, of course, not about the child. Although the child is all the same.

You have no idea what I got involved

In the picture in your head, everything looked quite differently. In the pictures in your head, you were concerned in the middle of your crafted organic bakery and distributed an interview with progressive resources, signing "Masha Kozulkin, the co-founder" Erend Baton ". On these pictures, you touched a business on the phone from under the Caribbean Palm. Know you that in reality you will wear in soap 24/7 and beat to death with suppliers and landlords, you would generally refused this idea. And I would never know what you are capable and how to be proud of yourself and our brainchild. Ask any mom - she will confirm this to you.

You need patience. Even more patience

You talked about it, but who knew that everything would be so vigorously and slowly? It is still unknown that it's easier and faster - stuff a spoonful of porridge in the child or office repair to the budget, to teach the heir to the pot or workers to the fact that you are not just parted, but you earn money, achieve normal medical care or receiving permits.

You have acquired a lot of new knowledge

Up to this point, you were in the happy ignorance about the breastsos. Or simplified taxation system. Yes, you and words did not know such indecent! But when life is enough for the ass, it falls in a short time to become an expert.

You have some mixed feelings

Five times on the day you are furious from a crammed adoration to "Return everything as it was!".

To you all climb with tips

It is amazing how much around, it turns out, marketing experts, accounting, strategic planning and baults. And where did they all sit before? Why did each of them do not arrange his business empire? Such potential disappears. The surroundings look at you and, it seems, see a disdiculent balt, which without their advice will let the entire budget in the wind. Now moms are in understanding nodding, yes?

The first three years - the most difficult

At first, your small, but proud business requires round-the-clock attention and simply will not survive. You score at meetings with friends, you forget to wash your head and humble with the fact that there will be no vacation in the foreseeable future. But the time goes, and the lard of the startupik begins to hold the head, stops falling on his side, if you let go of even for a second, and then you understand that it is already a week somehow, albeit awkwardly, making up without your support. You wipe away the tears of the dignity and start thinking about expanding the business.

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