All my - yours: stereotypes about male and female affairs


From men, it is often possible to hear that evil emancipated girls are selected from them the most expensive - their male affairs. Little to these greedy women cooking, cleaning and wiping noses - they will charge on the holy! Money earns and nails rush to score.

What is characteristic, no one complains about the reverse process: a little girl sees that her man washed the dishes, a sign of the thorough end of the world. Because little girl sees a man, washing dishes. Grandeter feminists from are breeding their bulldozer and pass through the most common stereotypes about male and female affairs.



To cook

Go tell some Jamie Olive, that he is busy unworthy of his girls and it would be better to walk the forest. So the professional chefs! - They will answer the lovers of separating flies from the kitlet. And we will say that professional cooks, in essence, are engaged in the same way than all wives, moms and grandmothers - prepare food, which is then eaten. Note: From the point of view of stereotypes, kebabs are not food. Because kebabs are an exceptionally male case.

To gossip


Any girl who is in the company of boys will confirm on the gift publishing "Gossings" - men wash the bones to each other with enthusiasm and to the squeak.

To go shopping

What can be feminine than the drain of two or three bags with potatoes, chicken and pasta?

To knit

It is now the tangle and the needles - a toy for girls and cats. But in general, it was originally knitting was a purely male occupation. In the Middle Ages, knitting workshops held men and worked in them, too, exclusively, macaleve sex, and in 1946, in the competition of knitters, who was conducted in the United States, a man won.

Needle how to do in general


Many classes requiring concentrations, attention to detail and knowledge of technology, however, are considered men. Avia modeling for example. And some decoupage, with exactly the same input data - somehow a purely female business.

Nurse with children

Because we have an instinct that replaces the courses of young mothers, and we at the genetic level know exactly what you have to do with children. Haha ten times. Ask any young mother, she will tell you for a long time, as he was confused and did not know how to grab this duck and where to attach.




Everyone used to that if a man's temperature rises for a half degrees, he immediately goes to write a will and suffer. And the woman in the same situation goes to work, then for the heir to kindergarten, and then fry the cutlets into the kitchen. Because de Women rustier. That, actually, nonsense. Women really easier tolerant hunger and thirst and are restored faster after stress. But we are absolutely equally equally.

Do makeovers

Fans of stereotypes stuck in the mesozoic, worship the nail. For the lack of mammoth, the nail must be ritually scored. Once every two or three years. It is believed that the duty to score a nail lies at the chapter of the genus, however, in practice, a specially trained priest of the cult of the cult of the management company or repair office is usually invited.



A big scary bibik with a bunch of pieces inside, there is nothing fluffy and pink - a clear thing, a girl with such an aggregate is not able to. This statistic has already been given a million times, but never harmful to recall: in the UK, for example, 1 Male driver out of 60 before reaching the 30th anniversary becomes the culprit of a serious accident. Of women drivers of the same age category - 1 of 210.

Earn Money

It is strange that in our country where an ideologically non-working Stepford wife met less common birds Dodo, this stereotype was so harvest. Some and we would be happy to be a housewives, but only without their contribution, the family budget will stretch his legs.

Watch football

Who is interesting, all these girls in the stands, with painted persons, flags and cries? Who dragged them there and forced to rage, when our goal is scored?

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