Memo to the parent. 9 Soviets for the Prevention of Children's Hysteria


If you think that you are just doing what you are unsuccessful trying to cope with the hysteries of your baby, think about whether they are not inflated by the wind. If not, then you will be killed that the irritability of the child is not caused by the state of his health, and try to apply tips from the list below.

Memo to the parent. 9 Soviets for the Prevention of Children's Hysteria 38589_1

1. Try to understand the pattern:

• What time is the hysterical

• Does not be hungry at this moment

• Isn't it tired

• In which hysterics occur

• In the presence of what people2. Prepare a child to change in advance ("We will soon leave") 3. Choose, be hysterical or not (for example, you're in the store, you now need a child to sit calmly, and you give him candy) .4. Let the child react as he reacts ("We got into the car and need to runage. I know you don't like it, I know you will shout now. Krycki", "I know you don't like this belt, shouts, native , mom nearby ").

Memo to the parent. 9 Soviets for the Prevention of Children's Hysteria 38589_2
5. Reduce your expectations and ambitions until the child is growing (often the small children are based on several sections, and they are simply not ready for such loads) .6. The sooner you need something to do something, the slower you need to move and the lower and calm must be your voice (insisting, pushing, loud voice generates opposition) .7. Soothe yourself ("Everything is good", "Breathe is deeply deep, you will cope", etc.).

8. Try dotting the attention of the receptions, singing, clapping .9. Join yourself out loud thoughts about frustration from children's hysteria: "Oh, I see it does not work. Yes, now is not easy. Well, let's try differently. "

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