Solar Pets: 10 scientific facts about freckles



Freckles increase female attractiveness for 75% of men. And from our point of view - 100% nicely in the midst of winter to talk about something so warm and sunny as hemp.

one. If the child was born not so caulking, like dad - do not rush to relax, most often the freckles are manifested no earlier than 3-4 years. And after 30 begin to disappear ... Therefore, there is a surprise! The spring face looks younger.

2. All spring people have Neanderthal genes. Scientists are not yet sure, the coincidence is or not. Wyyrrghhh !!!

3. The combination of dark hair, blue eyes and freckling skin can only have people with an IRF4 gene variant, which is called "Pier's Pier's Pier." We, ordinary mortals, this gene is busy immunity. Now reveal the superagent - a piety.


four. The combination of freckles and red hair is usually caused by the recessive MC1R genome. This means that in this appearance it is necessary to blame both mom and dad. Even if someone is in appearance and with nothing! If you get a red-hazelnaya version of the gene only from one of the parents, the gene will not manifest.

five. In pregnant women, freckles can appear on unusual places - on the chest around the nipples and the middle line of the abdomen. The body protects against dangerous ultraviolet the most valuable. But from the face, the freckles are not going away, by the way.

6. There are people who do not sunbathe at all - just freckles are becoming more and more, more, more and at some point we have a brown man with rare light pink freckles. But this particular people are better not to sunbathe at all.

7. Springly people, that is, people with strong melatonin deficiency, we need an average of 20% stronger anesthesia. Spring is heavier to wear lenses, and their nervous system is considered more vulnerable.


eight. The Japanese do not exceed the freckles from senile pigment stains, and the British separately study the freckles of single and freckles solar (this is beyond all age-related, hormonal and others). Well, how many freckled Englishmen - and how many cacopany Japanese?

nine. In spring twins, the location of the freckles is different, but their number is the same. That's not too lazy to recalculate someone!

10. The sexual maturity of the spring shark comes to achieve a length of 35 centimeters. Well, you understood.

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