How do the laws of meanness work while traveling with children


Do you remember the "laws of Murphy"? All that may break - break. Nowhere, these rules do not work so surely, as while fighting with children. Read, overlap and be ready for May holidays.

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  • For the night before leaving, the child will fall off with the flu, a pig or at least break.
  • Even if the child went to the toilet right before boarding the plane, a minute after takeoff, it would be imparted again. Urgently urgently!
  • At home, they calmly eat pasta, but when you order exactly the same pasta in the expensive restaurant, they are sadly picking in a plate and refuse to eat.
  • No matter how carefully you packed the baggage, something from this list you will definitely forget: the supply of diapers, charging for a cell phone, toothpaste, indispensable medicine or the most beloved bear.


  • You will take the most expensive camera with the most cool lens to finally remove the cute pictures of your roasting offspring on the beach or on the carousel. And neither in one frame they will not photographically laugh. None.
  • They will wake up to dawn, beagre and ready-to-entertainment. At home, they at least sleep up to seven in the morning.
  • You will spend the whole hour, packing a rug for the beach, an umbrella for the beach, sunbathing, scoops, a bucket, a ball, an inflatable mattress and his beloved bear. 15 minutes after landing on the surf line, a cute child will turn around and will ask home.


  • All the way they will whine and miss their toys left at home. Naturally, when you return, they will not even look at them.
  • All they will be asked to rest will be bought - and will be lost before returning.
  • They will be scolded only when you won't be at hand.
  • You will return from vacation, passionately dreaming about another vacation. Without children.

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