"We behave well, and then rent an uncle!" 13 main fears of our childhood



Pink sweet nostalgia? How wrong! If you look at your childhood memories carefully and honestly, you can get materials not on one horror movie ... We were so many things were afraid that it was surprising, as survived and saved a common mind. Although the latter - if again, on honestly - also in question! ;)


They came to us until all sorts of horror systems and settled mainly under the bed. Even behind the hangers could hide. The hunt came out with the onset of darkness. But, to the wonderful happiness, they were unable to absorb the one who completely climbed under the blanket and as he should have been clogged. It was important to not exhibit any parts, but it is also possible to stay without heel.

Scary uncle takes

Then "good" parents and grandmothers tried. Moreover, nothing reasonable was present in their shorts: "You will be bad for yourself - that grandfather with a bag will pick up (Uncle Militizer)." Were fear of potential maniacs, they didn't teach us at all. So the fear of being taken to the punishment for tears could be quite neighboring in the Soviet child with credulity to any antisocial elements.

Atomic War


In the appropriate lessons, we, of course, bravely joked about "covering sheets and crawl into a cemetery". And yet the nuclear explosion - no, no, no! - Each of us was afraid to hysterics. Cartoons like "Bosnogo-legged gene" or "the grave of the fireflies", for which we even drove us with a class, made our business qualitatively.

American president

In the role of a prescriber on the red button and the discharge of the atomic bomb on the peaceful of us, a terrible and terrible American president saw a Soviet child. Thanks to the newspapers, we all were in the know: this is such a specially trained inhibition of blacks Mr. with a rounded belonging and in a cylinder, decorated with stars and stripes, with a hooked nose and clawed hair. We even wrote to him with a request to refrain from such an unreasonable step. That would be surprised to find out about "their intentions".

Mom will die

That this does not happen, there were a mass of techniques tested by several generations of children. First, if someone came to my leg - certainly you need to quickly have done the same thing with you. Secondly, it is very important to carefully pull the cracks in the asphalt and joints of the slabs. And it is desirable not yet to chat in the air ... However, this will not necessarily believe in this accept.

Horrors of transport


Adult world manil, but scared a bunch of lunishing dangers. In the elevator, it was dumbbed in the elevator: it will certainly get stuck or the cable will break. In the metro station, the escalator does not torment you along with a ribbon under your iron teeth. Not to mention the unkind of the Soviet turnstile of the punishing model. How many thousands of nerve systems could be saved if then in our subway stood on the opposite principle - transmitting!

Nightmares in life

One of the most terrible household items is a gas stove. Dragon as it is. He burns, if not burns, and what to do if you return home with a key on a lace before Mom comes from work? And you need to warm soup? The correct answer: Find in the refrigerator "Friendship" cheese. Sometimes frightened and non-functional items, which seem to be explicitly harm. Type of dadnoye decorative tube in the form of a toothast stuffed, which disappears with the shelves. You never know what she does at night.

Red hand

This is a separate genre of children's art. They themselves came up with themselves scared themselves, could not sleep. The talented narrator of the horror strokes used honor and respect in any pioneer camp. Then came the ear in Uspensky and artistically processed our folklore in his immortal saga "Red Hand, Black Sheet, Green Fingers". Then we could not wait for the fresh number of "Pioneer" to mock the fear of another time.

Horror from the television

TV - Actually, a good friend, giving the cartoons in the evenings, but sometimes there could show some "VIA" or "Ski Snake Valley". And all, goodbye, night sleep. And some televishes scared, although it seems to be not created precisely for this purpose. For example, the same screensaver of the species. Well, you remember it, yes, this is not forgotten.


The most terrible sadist is a dental. The dental armchair was a medieval torture machine. And not only the divanctural buzzing of the borders, but also the specific smell of the cabinet caused the desire to flee quickly, without stopping and not looking around. However, the frightening aunts with a brilliant third eye and harsh: "Open the mouth, say a-a" There were still those strangers. Sometimes his own mother turned into a monster - when she tried to put a bow or economic soap into the nose to the nose.


Often sadists produce dentists. Some Hannibals were able to "motivate" a child to eat a tasteless dinner by mixing porridge with cutlets and compotes in one table ... Brr, it happened to meet their rapidly - and go to the other side of the street. And you already have your own children actually ...


Punching high school students-recycling, recidivists waited for Malayavok around the corner of the school and threw their briefcases on chestnuts. Or shake out of the pockets of a trifle. And we were afraid to tell parents. No less afraid than running on the bending, it was to get a label "Stukach" ...


But in fact, if you think very deeply, then the wart of the vitaki from the eighth-"A" is terrible, the scary "asterisk" and the coffin on the wheels - was the condemnation of the company. The boy is to show himself as a weakman and Mamajniki son, especially before the girl. The girl is to be commemorated for stupid hammashi, almost forcibly stretched milfs. And even become a scapegoat, over which everyone laughs ... Almost all of us somehow faced with the cruelty of the team - and which of us in adulthood did not admit to ourselves that the "Lord Muh" is not such a hyperbole and metaphor?

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