Choosing from two angry: where is you thrown?



It would seem, no deception, you were given to choose yourself. But no. Even choosing, you can be in fools. Dexterity of hands, and no fraud.

This manipulation is called the "third method excluded". And he successfully practiced moms of stubborn children. The question "In what t-shirt today will go to the kindergarten, in yellow with oranges or blue with a boat?" - In two cases, out of three successfully covers the problem of whether to go to the garden at all. In the remaining case, the operation can be repeated with shorts, socks, a jacket and an umbrella - to take, not to take, and the remaining one in the end of the most stubborn children legally remains at home under the sauce "something he is capricious today, I am afraid of sick. Of course, without cartoons. "

When with us, which has long been understanding, why and when you need to go somewhere, such a procedure is trying to turn my mother, it is not good, but apologative - the old habits of weathered are difficult. And if strangers?

Of course, this is a scam. And this is a scam, directed precisely to distract your attention from a really acceptable (but unwanted for a manipulator) option. This usually means that you want to suck some kind of resource - it is not particularly necessary for expensive; To enlist your help without response or just squeeze your something.


What do you show - that dress or won the cardigan?

Do you want to pay our services now or later?

Are you for Zenit or Spartak?

Select the Windows Self-Self Configuration.

Are you Nishchibrudka or wear a real Luvitton?

Are you married or no one hurt?

Are you for renaming Voikovskaya or support the killers?

Did you buy special developing carousels or may your child grow a two-way?

Are you against same-sex marriages or for the death of the family?

Pass parents in a wilderness or live with them in a two-room apartment?

Are you for Putin or for the death of Russia?

Whose Crimea is Russian or Ukrainian?

Stalin or Hitler?


The correct answer is: "both worse." Another good answer "What is this assortment of this assortment?" At the same time, it should be remembered that at that moment when a person bought this manipulation, with his inner, personal opinion begins to occur in the most interesting things. Usually, a reasonable person somewhere in the shower feels that none of the proposed options warms. But - since it is _ to choose, then ... it is not "that is better", but "from what is more nauseous", and the answer will be "just not to". Firmly refusing the most opposite variant, we will inevitably remain with the second.

The human psyche is inclined to put up with the inevitable, as Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky said "to all the scoundrel - a person gets used to", and the nasty of the remaining option begins to seem to us all less ... less ... and less squeezed (yes, I myself, freely chose! It was my , Own solution!), And if we do not have enough strength to remember that the choice was on the principle of the captain of Blad ("that you, the colonel. No one makes you write. I give you a completely free choice between pen and rope") - So, if you do not understand the implity of the choice, then the decision made and everything with it is beginning to seem not so frozen. What, actually, and sought us. Instead of persuading "priest Scientology", it is necessary to convince that "otherwise you will die the poor and unfortunate", the rest of the person will do everything himself. Profit!


And - surprise - those who keep their teeth for the average position of "plague on both of your houses" begin to be perceived by gathered in any side as a sublimate deceptions and traitors, even worse than those on the opposite side of the trench. It is clear, enemies. And these! Fake! And our and yours. And who is not cold and not hot, he will take away from his mouth! (We do not joke, quotation from the revelation of John the Bogosla, verse 16). This mechanism, when, instead of one hundred different options, a gradient of opinions, two extreme points remain - in psychology it is called polarization of opinions. And it is very dangerous. Because only martial arts and enemies are visible from the tag. And to live when? How much is this civil war?

So on the question "tea or coffee?" It is advisable to automatically respond "and what, there is no MATE?" Not because we love me so much (you can insert cocoa, water, Tarkhun or whiskey). And because in nature there is practically no choice of two. And remember this is useful.

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