Real service: what to do if you are a bride girlfriend


In the films, everything is wrong. In the films, the bride girlfriend in a clear dress builds eyes the cousin of the groom and under the curtain leaves him to the nearest tropical resort. Well, or organizes the escape of the bride from under the crown towards the Mexican border. At best, Bill comes with his gang of killers and mercifully everyone comes. You have fallen a grave share to be the right hand of the bride and go through with her through the wedding uta to the very end. Look, do not hang out!


The honorary post of the bride's girlfriend implies almost 24-hour accessibility. Who else will go with the bride to choose Krnolin? Who, how isn't you, will help her make a choice between Browni and Cupcakes with marzipan initials of newlyweds? Who will drag the corset and convince that she does not make the greatest mistake in his life (and such a question will definitely pop up sooner or later)? Of course you. And the answer "Yes, how do you want, your wedding" is pretty pig. Girlfriend really needs your help in choosing.

Include organizational talents

In a good way, the bride girlfriend is her personal assistant during the preparation of the battlement. Be a real sister, take on at least part of the organizational moments - order and take the typography of invitations, help with the search for manicure, make up a list of companies for lease of Pusher Limousines for her relatives.

And do not turn them

Because you also have a bachelorette party if you forgot. Remember that this is not your bachelorette party, but her, so consider the interests and desires. Including in the selection of guests. Consistent with her the date and the composition - even if you don't endure Lenka on the Spirit and I would have rolled it with pleasure to the asphalt, but the girlfriend in her soul does not have the soul, you will have to accept the Lenka existence.

Wake up early

In the morning to the bride, you must come fully ready, with combat makeup and Hollywood fudels on the head. The last thing is to rush on a unbelievable makeup artist, demanding to correct you arrows or make cheekbones paint - "It's only five minutes!". The bride and so tight is hard.

Meet guests

Wait until the guests are accepted with the newlywed and, grabbing under the lochot, lead them to the place at the table, on the way, explaining that with all their troubles and requests they can contact you, leaving the bride alone. Keep in mind that guests can quickly complete and forget who have promised them there - a blonde in green or brown in purple. From time to time, approach the tables, ask if everything is OK and remind you, what is your name.

Do not drink

Preparation for the celebration - these were flowers. Mobilize all the resources to survive the wedding itself. You will have to hold a million small non-stalking - find out where the driver has been dripped, hanging on the phone, meeting the Tamatu and the photographer, to call a taxi with a redetermined Uncle Vita and bring the bride to the bride, champagne, nasal scarves and spare stockings. Take it all, lying face in tartlets, is pretty difficult.

Prepare toast

Remember the fact that you will probably have to push the cart about what bride is a wonderful person and how happy you are for her. The expression is dangerous here, sketching the speech in advance - it should be brief, but touching. No, it is not necessary to remember how you woke up in Berlin Squid five years ago in Techno DJ and three transvestites, even if it is the best memoil of youth. In general, smaller about how you burned the napalm until the girlfriend went to the girls. The groom, maybe, and in the know, but Kondrati can happen with the native of the newlywed.

Prepare first aid bag

You can fly around the hall with a latch with a matchbox, but in the corner you have to have a bag with everything that you may need a bride in this hellish day. The short sheet includes threads and needles in case the dress will break the sleeve, tampons, wet and dry napkins, pins for the operational dresses and handful of studs and invisibility for repair hairstyles, painkillers and drugs from diarrhea (it can easily penetrate on the nervous soil ), spare stockings, plasters, nail file and comfortable ballet shoes suitable for dress. And then sneakers. Suddenly she will change his mind at the last moment and decide to escape the gardens.

And what if not you?

Bride's girlfriend, as a rule, only one. And it might be that she will not be. Wait to take off and return her portrait to her friend. Wedding only looks like an extravaganza and fairy tale, but actually this is the wildest stress - first of all for the bride itself, which is needed, on the one hand, to organize everything from DJ to seating among guests (in no way plant Elena Petrovna With Uncle Vitya!), Complete all the circles of hell of simply, statements menu, logistics and struggle for rental discounts, and on the other - to be a serene and shining frill in Muslin and Flearder. At the same time, she may also be pregnant in the appendage. And you - she knows - not that the most obligatory and sober man in the world. Or the relatives rolled her hysteria about the fact that the girlfriend should be a secondary cousin Marinochka and no one else. And so that she is definitely not necessary for her now - so these are crisis of friendship and disassembly. Just relax and have fun.

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