The path of Mukhobaba. 15 signs that you are time to tie with household.


You are exactly here if you are familiar to the term Flylady, you have already put a house in order and continue to fight for the lack of dust, but now at the molecular level. It is a special decision to clean up in your hole, but if this very system is being built into the cult - it will not be exactly good. How to understand what Mmm ... Shot a little? In fact, it's simpler. Look!

Sink watching you

As you remember, it all started with pure shell. Optionally, they say, immediately imprisoned to the home improvement to the field of households, it is enough to learn how to keep the sink clean. And you learned. It really was not difficult. But since some time it became difficult for you to leave her dirty. Dirty sink looks at you. Rotate back. Condemns. And to stop this triumph of dirty cups over the mind, you get up and wash it, even if on the clock - 3 nights. How to live scary.

You share a one-room apartment on the zones

The Flywender system is invented for American housewives owning large houses. Of course, they need to share the house on the zones, because if you remove all 200 squares at once, it is easier to die. And we have a humble housing, mostly. Meters thirty total area. If this space is to share and remove in parts, the feeling of false claustrophobia will come soon. 12 meters and a bedroom, a children's, and a living room, and the door to the smoking salon. AAAA, let me out from here !!!

You lead a checklist

The diary is a wonderful thing. He will help you not to miss a visit to the doctor and the turn on a public spanking, for the removal of the eye, called the "Parent Meeting". Expenditure log is an even more beautiful thing. If he can behave, you can find out the answers to the most amazing questions, somehow: where did you go away and where the fat came from. But there is no need to write in the Diary "Throw the Christmas tree on January 13". First, you still won't throw away the thirteenth. Secondly - did you really have a year when the tree was standing until mid-July?

You have a pipidaster

No not like this. You have three pypidastra - a kitchenette, indoor and spare, and no one you call the "dust pan." If you can tell the "Pipidast" three times and not laughing - Alarm! This is a very disturbing symptom.

And there are no dust

This is sad. Sisifa, according to some sources, was a heter, deposited and korestolyvilivoy, for which he paid, and then why do you think so? Not to mention that some dust (for example, on a closet or refrigerator) deserves to be covered with dust. For long service.

You call the room son with a son

Yes, in your sterile kingdom, the truth is the land on which chaos reigns. There is still a little bit, and the rats will be headed, to the tips of the tails stuffed with bubonic plague. Of course, you know that all teenagers in the Bardak rooms are such a form of protest. But yours - the mess is striking. Faeric. Reference. And this is no longer a protest against cruel reality. This is a protest against the surrounding sterility.

Do you want to apply good

It is absolutely necessary to delegate the duties, otherwise you can stay. This is the first step towards a quiet life - he is the last. Because the track is slippery. It is not necessary to distribute the CSU, read the sermons, to carry out visual agitation and cover the nearest hairdryers. If you printed a manual for your grandmother in a rash - immediately burn it. Right now. "Go and do!"

You have a freezer on the balcony

And in it your treasures. Semi-finished homemade products. Finished dishes lovingly laid in portion trays and signed. In your freezer, it is impossible to find anything that could inspire the creators of the cartoon "Mom for Mammoth" on the shooting of the second series. Because you strictly follow the freezer, right? On the other hand, after Fiasco with the "Salnik" - on what else to rest wounded the soul, as not on it, the Rama?

Each shoe box has its own passport

And not just shoe. If a large thing is stored in the box, then her photo is pasted on each side of the box. If a lot of small things are a detailed list. Lists and photos are systematized and duplicated in electronic and paper form. You think that you can easily find any fig. But in fact, the cry "But where in this house is damn threads?!", Kick on the bedside table and stuffing the good, which dropped out of the bedside, back takes 1 minute. I needed exactly the same time to open the desired Tom of the "Control Journal" and to value up the "Sewing Supplies" item. The result is one, so why pay more? Not to mention how long it was spent on making lists and photos. And attempts to fill out at least something "Sewing supplies" box. You do not seize! You need to tie an air ball.

Your timer is always with you

He survived the times when you were angry with neophyte enthusiasm and started it 45 times a day (to make cleaning only 15 minutes, aha). He survived the period of oblivion - when the nervous tick from his permanent calls began. He rebelled out of the garbage bucket and again in the ranks. Rings. Do not start it - above your strength. In fact, there is an easy way to get rid of it: buy two more timers. Choose metal, antivandal. And do not use! Put on the shelf and never touch. If in a year it turns out that one is lost, and the second broke - you get well.

You deprive yourself of small joys of life

It's nice to live in the house where there is always cleanliness and order. But isn't it also nice to arrange general cleaning twice a year? Move the whole house, get tired, like ishak, and with a sense of accomplished debt fall on a sofa with a crust candies and hide candy under the pillow? Isn't it not great to detect a ticket on your first Grebenshchikov's papers? Il and a wire man made as a gift dad on the twenty-third of February eighty fifth year? Isn't it a magical feeling that arises when disassembling the cabinet - "Figa myself, what do I have!"? And if it is impossible to do something very important, you can go and separate the slab. It will definitely get your naive brain to tell you that all garbage and you are already a hero and well done. Well, how can you refuse it?

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