15 signs that you are not infantel



Even if you are 86, it does not mean that you have matured. Some are stuck in infancy when you can beat the days to turhole with toys, solve any question to the roar and do not worry about anything - my mother sacrows everything. This, of course, is not about you. And here 15 evidence to this.

You yourself are responsible for all

That is, you are not looking for an explanation of your epic failures in the position of Mercury in the Aries, the miscarions of world backstage and evil eye. In epic successes, you also guilty, by the way, and not Mercury and not "yes stupidly brought."

You have clean

Because you are not waiting for you to arrive suddenly the wizard in a blue helicopter and will save a pigsty for free, which you with such enthusiasm raised around, and herself fearlessly saddle vacuum cleaner.

You do not sin by Agemism

That is, you do not pull from the height of your experience on those who are three years younger - ah, a darling, but what can you understand in your age?

You have a goal


In the direction of which you go, crawling, lie or at least occasionally see. Children consider themselves immortal, and only adults perceive the time as the final resource that is becoming less and less regardless of whether we are on the sofa or somehow move.

You are not afraid of doctors

Because you already understand that if Uncle Doctor makes Bo-Bo, so this so that you subsequently do not hate anything and fell off.

You decide

Even if the girl is a girl and do not want to solve anything. But still raise the fifth point, drag on the captain's bridge and take the steering wheel. Without asking for no one, which course is there and fairly passing wind.

You know how to do what is uninteresting

Because an adult from the style is different that for fun type of shopping and X-Box he has an hour that is not stretched for a day.

You understand people


For a child, it is completely natural to spit on how others feel there, because he is the center of the world, and all other stists are present here only in order to read fairy tales for the night, buy a Barbie dolls and entertain. Adult, you are moving from the center of the Universe on her periphery and teach to understand that the stists think and feel.

You know what you are doing

"Something rolled out" - an excellent description of the summary of the non-vocabulary, after which you find yourself in the most unexpected situations - without money, but with a loan and designer, such as. Recently, this happens with you more and less.

You have financial grooves

"From salaries to salaries" is no longer about you. Maybe the mattress is not bonded by bonds, but in the case of a military coup and the invasion of aliens you will last a couple of months, and you don't even have to poke my mother.

You do not want to zagulak

And so, the sky is saved, you are not trying to recreate the greatest trash in the third year, after which everyone woke up in squelch in the next city. Such episodes are pleasantly remembered, but the mince is impossible to turn back, and you understand it perfectly.

You do not wear revenge plans


The nasty first boss, who called you a goat, formerly, a pinch with a parallel stream, which was somehow looked at you and all the rest of the enemies.

You do not blush with the word "clitoris"

There is a thing, and the words are not? It is a baby from the preparatory group of the shock and the pussy seem to be something forbidden and terribly intriguing, which you have to say a terrible whisper, pumped your eyes.

You do not twitch when nothing is clear

Uncertainty - a terribly uncomfortable place, but even if there is a circle of solid misunderstandings and instability, you do not run around the ceiling, but you sit evenly and compose the plan "b".

You can change the mind

Because, the growing, people do not rust, but on the contrary, become flexible. And you can, all thoroughly thinking about, take yes to change your views on politics, music or childishness.

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